Hello all,

I'm setting up a fairly (?) complex oVirt over Gluster setup built around 3
Xeon servers-turned-into-workstations, each doubling as oVirt node + one
primary Fedora VM w/ a dedicated passthrough GPU (+audio and a couple of
USB root devices).
One of the servers seems to have some weird issue w/ the passthrough nVidia
GPU that seems to require me to edit the VM iommu (1) and passthrough
device (2) command line.
I tried using the qemu-cmdline addon to add the missing parameters, but it
seems that qemu treats the added parameters as an additional device / iommu
instead of editing the existing parameters.

1. How can I view the VM qemu command line?
2. Can I somehow manually edit the qemu command line, either directly or by
somehow adding parameters in the HE XML file?

- Gilboa.
[1] iommu:  VM XXX is down with error. Exit message: internal error: qemu
unexpectedly closed the monitor: 2021-11-05T14:59:44.499366Z qemu-kvm: We
need to set caching-mode=on for intel-iommu to enable device assignment
with IOMMU protection.
[2] GPU: May need to add x-vga=off,
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