
I am just curious if basic gluster HCI layout which is suggested in
cockpit has some deeper meaning.

There are suggested 3 volumes

* engine - it is clear, it is the volume where engine vm is running.
When this vm is 51GB big how small could this volume be? I have 1TB SSD
storage and I would like utilize it as much as possible. Could I create
this volume as small as this vm is? Is it safe for example for future

* vmstore - it make sense it is a space for all other vms running in
oVirt. Right?

* data - which purpose has this volume? other data like for example
ISOs? Direct disks?

Another infra question... or maybe request for comment

I have small amount of public ipv4 addresses in my housing (but I have
own switches there so I can create vlans and separate internal traffic).
I can access only these public ipv4 addresses directly. I would like to
conserve these addressess as much as possible so what is the best
approach in your opinion?

* Install all hosts and HE with management network on private addressess

  * have small router (hw appliance with for example LEDE) which will
utilize one ipv4 address and will do NAT and vpn for accessing my
internals vlans.
    + looks like simple approach to me
    - single point of failure in this router (not really - just in case
oVirt is badly broken and I need to access internal vlans to recover it)

  * have this router as virtual appliance inside oVirt (something like
pfSense for example)
    + no need hw router
    + not sure but I could probably configure vrrp redundancy
    - still single point of failure like in first case

  * any other approach? Could ovn help here somehow?

* Install all hosts and HE with public addresses :-)
  + access to all hosts directly
  - 3 node HCI cluster uses 4 public ip addressess

Thanks for your opinions



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