#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by bkp at 15:01:32 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2014/ovirt.2014-11-05-15.01.log.html .

Meeting summary
* Agenda and roll Call  (bkp, 15:01:47)
  * infra update  (bkp, 15:02:07)
  * 3.5.z updates  (bkp, 15:02:08)
  * 3.6.0 status  (bkp, 15:02:08)
  * conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:02:08)
  * other topics  (bkp, 15:02:10)

* infra update  (bkp, 15:03:37)
  * infra update: engine is failing build on master and 3.5 probably due
    to infra issues  (bkp, 15:10:17)
  * infra update: a bug in F21 rpm package has been solved so failures
    related to fedora 19 builds on f21 slaves are solved  (bkp,
  * infra update: some build failures are expected in next days due to
    missing dependencies on el7 and f21 while building engine for those
    distributions  (bkp, 15:10:24)

* 3.5.z updates  (bkp, 15:10:37)
  * 3.5.z updates: 1 blocker around, tiraboschi_ is taking care of it
    (bkp, 15:16:38)
  * 3.5.z updates: 181 bugs still outstanding. Maintainers should be
    taking a look at these now.  (bkp, 15:16:39)
  * 3.5.z updates: trying to get el7 support ready for 3.5.1, we're now
    working on master for that  (bkp, 15:16:42)

* 3.6 status  (bkp, 15:16:52)
  * 3.6 status: Release criteria definition in progress, we should reach
    a decision by next week's meeting according to release process
    (bkp, 15:24:51)
  * 3.6 status: Specifically, should we keep the existing 3.5 criteria
    for 3.6, or add these changes
    (bkp, 15:24:54)
  * 3.6 status: There is also an ongoing discussion to lengthen the 3.6
    release cycle to 10 months and keeping all the proposed features
    or splitting features across multiple releases.  (bkp, 15:24:57)
  * 3.6 status: Discussion is invited here:
    (bkp, 15:25:01)
  * 3.6 status: work for fedora 21 support for 3.6 is ongoing as well as
    the el7 support  (bkp, 15:26:47)

* conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:28:29)
  * OpenStack Summit is going on now in Paris. Red Hat has a sharp
    presence there, and oVirt should be getting attention via a video
    demo at the Red Hat/RDO booth.  (bkp, 15:28:44)
  * LISA'14 will be next week, and we'll have a big footprint there with
    oVirt at LISA Lab and at the Red Hat booth.  (bkp, 15:28:47)
  * Planning is ongoing for FOSDEM on Jan. 31-Feb 1. Get your submittals
    in for the IaaS and Virt devrooms soon!  (bkp, 15:28:50)

* other topics  (bkp, 15:30:53)
  * bkp will be opening a discussion on the [users] mailing list to best
    figure out how to position oVirt and RDO.  (bkp, 15:31:29)
  * A reminder: this week not withstanding, the oVirt weekly syncs will
    be at 1400 UTC (one hour earlier than when we started this week).
    Please adjust your calendars accordingly.  (bkp, 15:31:47)

Meeting ended at 15:35:24 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* bkp (53)
* sbonazzo (31)
* lvernia (10)
* YamakasY (4)
* DougBishop (4)
* awels (3)
* afics_ (3)
* ovirtbot (2)

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Brian Proffitt

Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
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