#ovirt: oVirt Weekly Sync

Meeting started by bkp at 15:03:23 UTC.

Minutes: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-07-15.03.html
Minutes (text): http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-07-15.03.txt
Log: http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2015/ovirt.2015-01-07-15.03.log.html 

Meeting summary
* Agenda and Roll Call  (bkp, 15:03:35)
  * infra update  (bkp, 15:03:35)
  * 3.5.z updates  (bkp, 15:03:35)
  * 3.6.0 status  (bkp, 15:03:35)
  * conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:03:35)
  * other topics  (bkp, 15:03:38)

* infra update  (bkp, 15:05:39)
  * infra update The ILO issue was fixed on the PHX lab, and we're
    waiting now for dcaro to return to start phase II  (bkp, 15:13:45)
  * infra update Phase II includes assining more IPs to the lab,
    migrating linode services, etc. Expected start: newxt week.  (bkp,
  * infra update A new unstable view was added to show productions jobs
    to better focus on fixing critical jobs first, and leave jobs that
    are work-in-progress for another view  (bkp, 15:13:51)

* 3.5.z updates  (bkp, 15:14:29)
  * 3.5.z updates 3.5.1 RC is postponed due to two known blockers:
    1160846 (which SLA is still working on) and 1177290 (ovirt-engine
    not installable on CentOS 6: broken dependency novnc)  (bkp,
  * 3.5.z updates Status of 1177290 fix: Not sure of status, but may be
    able to have a workaround by the end of this week, according to
    sbonazzo  (bkp, 15:34:39)
  * 3.5.z updates According to didi, there is already a "workaround"
    mentioned in the 1177290 - we took downstream rhel sources and built
    on upstream jenkins, eedri signed them and they are available in the
    3.5 repo. So not sure it's a blocker for 3.5.1, although we do need
    a longer-term solution  (bkp, 15:34:42)
  * 3.5.z updates 1177290 dropped as a blocker, retargeted to 3.6 for
    proper handling  (bkp, 15:34:47)
  * 3.5.z updates Status of 1160846 fix: Hopefully Monday, according to
    gchaplik  (bkp, 15:34:50)
  * 3.5.z updates danken reported another potential blocker with vdsm.
    No bug assigned/tracked yet. sbonazzo asked to assist.  (bkp,
  * 3.5.z updates There are still 57 bugs targeted to 3.5.1. Excluding
    node and documentation bugs we still have 37 bugs targeted to 3.5.1
    (bkp, 15:34:56)
  * 3.5.z updates 3.5.1 RC tentatively scheduled for Jan. 14, 2015.
    (bkp, 15:34:59)

* 3.6 status  (bkp, 15:35:07)
  * ACTION: 3.6.0 status Feature proposed for 3.6.0 must now be
    collected in the 3.6 Google doc (http://goo.gl/9X3G49) and reviewed
    by maintainers  (bkp, 15:47:28)
  * 3.6.0 status Finished the review process, the remaining key
    milestones for this release will be scheduled.  (bkp, 15:47:31)
  * 3.6.0 status Will now need to think about what to do with novnc in
    this release.  (bkp, 15:47:34)
  * 3.6.0 status Jenkins build for 3.6 currently failing, but once back
    to nomral, 3.6 should be able to run on F21 (thanks emesika)  (bkp,
  * 3.6.0 status There are 466 bugs targeted to 3.6.0. Excluding node
    and documentation bugs we have 440 bugs targeted to 3.6.0.  (bkp,
  * 3.6.0 status Host Network QoS is all merged, at long last.  (bkp,
  * 3.6.0 status emesika's patch to introduce 3.6 clusters into oVirt
    was merged today, now this feature (and any other that's already
    merged) will be available for users to use.  (bkp, 15:47:45)
  * 3.6.0 status Networking is also making decent progress on a bunch of
    other features, updating on the spreadsheet. More should be merged
    in the coming weeks.  (bkp, 15:47:48)
  * 3.6.0 status UX has completed a feature for 3.6 that a lot of people
    have apparently wanted returned since 3.0. When switching main tabs
    the search now remembers the query you entered.  (bkp, 15:47:51)

* conferences and workshops  (bkp, 15:47:58)
  * conferences and workshops FOSDEM is fast approaching. If you plan to
    attend this event on Jan. 31-Feb. 1, stop by the oVirt booth as well
    as the Virt and IaaS devrooms to hear more about oVirt!  (bkp,
  * conferences and workshops Stay tuned for more info on a FOSDEM
    social gathering for oVirt during the event, too!  (bkp, 15:48:26)
  * conferences and workshops We are currently planning a one-day oVirt
    Workshop to coincide with FOSSAsia in Singapore, Feb. 13-15.
    Asia-Pac, Australia, and West Asia users are invited to attend.
    Details and registration to follow soon!  (bkp, 15:48:29)
  * conferences and workshops jbrooks will be speaking on the new Smart
    VM Scheduler at SCALE 13X, as well as bkp, who will be discussing
    data centers vs. cloud VM management. A shared booth will be present
    as well.  (bkp, 15:48:33)
  * conferences and workshops bkp will be speaking at the Linux Collab
    Summit on VM and container management  (bkp, 15:48:37)
  * conferences and workshops amureini will be giving a talk at
    DevConfCZ in Feb, after FOSDEM  (bkp, 15:51:27)

* other topics  (bkp, 15:51:53)
  * other topics bkp has completed a case study on CloudSpin, and will
    be posting it today on ovirt.org.  (bkp, 15:52:25)
  * other topics One of the 2015 goals is updating oVirt documentation.
    To that end, we will compile a list of known use cases/tasks that
    users and admins do with oVirt in the real world. Once this task
    list is compiled, we can start building an action-oriented set of
    user documentation. bkp will be setting this up and sending out a
    notice soon.  (bkp, 15:52:36)
  * other topics The Dec. 2014 newsletter was just posted (which is why
    this meeting was late), and can be found at
    (bkp, 15:52:50)

Meeting ended at 15:55:53 UTC.

Action Items
* 3.6.0 status Feature proposed for 3.6.0 must now be collected in the
  3.6 Google doc (http://goo.gl/9X3G49) and reviewed by maintainers

Action Items, by person
  * 3.6.0 status Feature proposed for 3.6.0 must now be collected in the
    3.6 Google doc (http://goo.gl/9X3G49) and reviewed by maintainers

Brian Proffitt

Community Liaison
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat - http://community.redhat.com
Phone: +1 574 383 9BKP
IRC: bkp @ OFTC
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