today I wanted to test a single host hci install using
On this same environment 4.4.0 gui wizard worked ok, apart a final problem
with cpu flags and final engine boot up, so I wanted to verify if all is ok
now, because that problem should have been fixed

But I incurred in the same problems recently discussed here:


The first part failed because of

TASK [gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup : Change to Install lvm tools for
RHEL systems.] ***
fatal: [novirt2st.storage.local]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The
Python 2 yum module is needed for this module. If you require Python 3
support use the `dnf` Ansible module instead."}

To have the first stage work (now I have to continue with the "Continue to
Hosted Engine Deployment" step) I have to modify:

- /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/main.yml
force to use dnf as package manager. For some reason not automatically
detected by the "package" ansible module
- name: Change to Install lvm tools for RHEL systems.
    name: device-mapper-persistent-data
    state: present
  when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'

- name: Change to Install lvm tools for RHEL systems.
    name: device-mapper-persistent-data
    state: present
    use: dnf
  when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'

- /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.infra/roles/backend_setup/tasks/vdo_create.yml
change from yum to package and specify to use dnf

- name: Install VDO dependencies
  #maybe use package module?
   name: "{{ packages }}"
  register: vdo_deps

- name: Install VDO dependencies
  #maybe use package module?
   name: "{{ packages }}"
   use: dnf
  register: vdo_deps

So in my opinion a bug has to be opened if not already done.

The root cause being or for any reason ansible 2.9.10 that recently updated
2.9.9 or having removed python2 modules from the distribution, that before
was for some reason silently used with yum, while not using the expected
dnf module with package....

I'm going to test if in the next phase any further modification has to be
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