I'm sorry about the several questions I'm posting on the mailing list
during these days, but, unfortunately, I'm struggling a bit in the usage of
Qpid Proton (in particular, on the C version).

One issue I noticed, and that I was not able to solve, is related to the
fact that, when following and adapting the send.c example (available inside
the C API reference:
all the AMQP "transfer" messages are aggregated and if, for instance, I
send 200 messages, one every 100 ms (using an additional Linux timer), I
have to wait for 20 seconds before seeing them on the receiving side (an
ActiveMQ broker, in my case), as all the 200 transfers are aggregated into
a single, very big, AMQP message, which is sent only at the end of the

This is something I would like to avoid, as it makes end-to-end message
delivery (from producer, to broker, to consumer) too slow.

Is there a way in which I can avoid this behaviour and make messages being
sent immediately?

Thank you very much in advance.

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