Hi Adam,

What version of the broker are you using? It seems to me that this example
is based on the old deprecated qpid.client API. The chapter 1.6 of the
manual for Qpid 0.18 seems to contain an example based on the
qpid.messaging API ...
hope this helps ...


On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 11:55 PM, Adam Zedan <zedan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am planning to test the LVQ feature of Qpid. The manual gives an example
> as such:
> QueueOptions qo;
> qo.setOrdering(LVQ);
> session.queueDeclare(arg::queue=queue, arg::arguments=qo);
>   .....
>  string key;
>  qo.getLVQKey(key);
> ....
> // for each message, set the into application headers before transfer
>  message.getHeaders().setString(key,"RHT");
> Here is the problem I found this code:
> 1)session instance does not have a property called queueDeclare
> 2)message instance does not have a property called getHeaders.
> I would appreciate it someone could kindly give a simple C++ sender code on
> using/Configuring LVQ .

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