>I have logged into http://localhost:8080/bin/browser.html/index.html using
>admin/admin credentials. I have changed index.html content and saved. I
>have recycled Sling Lauchpad and accessed http://localhost:8080 and did not
>see the change in index.html page. But I am able see the change in
>jcr:content  http://localhost:8080/index.html/jcr:content.
>Here are my Questions
>1) Where is index.html/jcr:content is stored on file system?

in the repository (jackrabbit oak). it's contained (with all other content) in 
a bunch of tar files in a proprietary format - you can only access it via JCR 
or applications ontop o fit like sling.

>2) Why did not index.html updated?

this should work. you may need to do a force-refresh or clear your browser 
cache to see it.

>3) What is the best option in terms of cost (licensing and maintenance)
>with respect to storing (sling.run.modes = oak vs oak_mongo) in production

sling and oak is open source.
in most case just go with oak, it's uses the tar pm which is just fine for must 
use cases.
only if you have such a big application or data that is too much for a single 
server to scale use oak_mongo and a mongo cluster, but this is a much more 
complex setup and required good knowledge.


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