Firstly, thanks to all the people that made this project possible.
I have setup SOGo 2.04 on Ubuntu 12.04, with postfix and dovecot authenticating 
against Active Directory. When in the SOGo web interface and selecting 
preferences, as soon as I want to "save and close" I get an error "Please 
specify a valid sender address." If I ok on this error it takes me back to the 
preferences. I determined that the problem was that under IMAP accounts 
"Email:" was set to my name instead of an email address. It was grayed out so I 
did a "defaults write sogod SOGoMailCustomFromEnabled YES"  and restarted sogo. 
I could now edit the from address but it does not stick, even though any other 
changes I make in the preferences stick. This means that I need to enter the 
from address every time I want to make changes in the preferences. I eventually 
determined that the "from address" will stick if I set the address to what is 
the "main" address in our Active Directory server, however I would like to use 
another address. (we have a local country domain and a .com domain and we 
primarily use the .com domain, however our Active Directory is setup to use the 
local country domain
Is this by design? I tried to set the user preference from the command line 
using sogo-tool but get the following error:

$ sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults martin SOGoMailCustomEmail 
Mar 12 00:05:35 sogo-tool [12313]: <0x0x1534670[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup 
interval set every 300.000000 seconds
Mar 12 00:05:35 sogo-tool [12313]: <0x0x1534670[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) 
'localhost' as server(s)
Mar 12 00:05:35 sogo-tool [12313]: [ERROR] <0x0x140da90[GSCBufferString]> json 
parser: Unrecognised leading character, attempting once more after unescaping...
Mar 12 00:05:35 sogo-tool [12313]: [ERROR] <0x0x140da90[GSCBufferString]> total 
failure. Original string is:
2013-03-12 00:05:35.428 sogo-tool[12313] Invalid JSON input - no changes 
performed in the database. The supplied value was:


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