Hello List-reader,

I'm running a nightly version of SOGo (version 3.2.10)
and I'm running into a problem with CalDavSynchronizer.

I imported an .ics file with calendar events exported
from Lotus Notes with altogether about 850 events with no
errors, warnings or problems. Then I installed CalDav
Synchronizer version 2.23 and tried to synchronize the
SOGo calendar with the one in Outlook 2010. Most events
got imported into the Outlook calendar but several (about
50) produced an error, regarding an "unexpected token":

> unexpected token: [":",<6>,line=6,col=7]

I found out that the export from SOGo, which CalDav
Synchronizer, tries to import contains events that look
like this:

> [...]
> DTEND;:20101212T000000Z
> [...]

and CalDav Synchronizer remarks the colon after


as unexpected.

I looked at the original export file from Lotus Notes
and there these entries look like this:


So there is the additional parameter


which is missing in the export from SOGo. Are there any
paramters in SOGo which can control this behaviour? I could
not find any in the documentation or faq, and nobody with
a similar problem, but perhaps I have overlooked something?

I asked already the CalDav Synchronizer people and they say

> "Nothing much we can fix on our side, this ics is invalid
> and SOGo shouldn't export it that way or even not import
> it itself.

I'm not that familiar with the specification of ics files, so
any hint or help is welcome and appreciated and if any furher
information is needed i can give it.

Many thanks!
Thomas Robers

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