Hello,Sorry for my bad english.I have a problem with password policy with LDAP 
(both openldap and 389-ds) on SOGo 3.2.10.When I loggen in, I can change 
password, password policy works fine. I have information when password is weak 
or short or when password is in history.Problem is when password is expired. I 
have no notification when password is expired(example: Your password expires in 
10 minutes) at login page, or the password is expired.I have message (when 
password is expired) - RETRY,(when password expired) - UNHANDLED ERROR 
RESPONSE.When I change user password in LDAP, i may login to Sogo.With SOGo 
2.3.23 the problem doesn't exist. I have all notification.What is wrong with 
SOGo 3.2.10? What LDAP passoword policy attributes is required to work?

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