Subject: Bug with Caldav - unable to sync with Calengoo client


I am using mailcow + sogo. 

This may be related to bug


Caldav doesn’t seem to work with few clients that require stricter compliance. 
It works ok with Davx5 (Android) clients which are more forgiving. 

I am using a client called Calengoo which refuses to sync with Sogo. I opened a 
ticket with them saying it’s a bug on their part and also gave them access to 
my server to test. Here’s what they came back with … 




The problem is, that your calendar is not a calendar, it is only a "collection":


                    <D:collection />


Instead it should look like this:




You can find further explanations here:


I.e. your server seems to have a bug. It does not correctly specify the 
calendar as a calendar.


And when I try to load the events (ignoring that it is not a calendar) of the 
calendar either using "sync-collection" or "calendar-query" it always returns 
error "501 - Not implemented".


So unfortunately it seems that your server is not a real CalDAV server. Maybe 
they are still developing it and will fix these problems in the future. If 
DAVx5 can handle this, then I would suggest to sync that way. CalenGoo requires 
CalDAV compliant servers to sync with, sorry. Actually I don't know how to load 
the events if your server always responds with "Not implemented". I have 
already tried to reduce the "sync-collection" and "calendar-query" commands to 
the bare minimum but nevertheless I could not receive my test events from your 
server. Something seems to be very wrong with the CalDAV part of your server, 
sorry! 😕 Maybe you should try "NextCloud" instead? That works fine as far as I 


Please don't hesitate to contact me again if you have further questions!






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