[SOGo] Re: Funambol not synchronizing with SoGo server

2011-01-26 Thread Wolf Siedler
> am successfully
> able to sync my Android v2.1 phone to the Funambol server. However, 
> the data
> does not appear to make it to the SOGo server. To be clear, the 
> Android device
> (Funambol Android sync client v9.1.0 reports a successful sync. The 
> number of
> records it transfers to Funambol is accurate

I do the same with an Android 2.2 phone and it works here.

Have you changed in the Funambol for Android client 9.0.1 the remote
name for the SOGo calendar?
It worked for me after I changed the calendar's remote name to
"sogo-cal" (Settings - Advanced - App Internals - Remote names) .


Re: Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-26 Thread jason.thibeault
I'm afraid I'm having the same problem having just upgraded to SOGo 1.3.5 on
Ubuntu 10.04 using the http://inverse.ca/ubuntu lucid repository.  Like Daniel,
I've added OCSSessionsFolderURL to .GNUstepDefaults, and the new table is
created with the following structure:

mysql> describe sogo_sessions_folder
-> ;
| Field  | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| c_id   | varchar(255) | NO   | | NULL|   |
| c_value| varchar(255) | NO   | | NULL|   |
| c_creationdate | int(11)  | NO   | | NULL|   |
| c_lastseen | int(11)  | NO   | | NULL|   |

The packages I have installed for sope and sogo: 

admin@host:~$ dpkg -l | grep sope
ii  libsope-appserver4.9 4.9.r1664.20110126   
SOPE application server libraries
ii  libsope-appserver4.9-dev 4.9.r1664.20110126   
Development files for the SOPE libraries
ii  libsope-core4.9  4.9.r1664.20110126   
Core libraries of the SOPE application serve
ii  libsope-core4.9-dev  4.9.r1664.20110126   
Development files for the SOPE core librarie
ii  libsope-gdl1-4.9 4.9.r1664.20110126   
GNUstep database libraries for SOPE
ii  libsope-gdl1-4.9-dev 4.9.r1664.20110126   
Development files for the GNUstep database l
ii  libsope-ldap4.9  4.9.r1664.20110126   
SOPE libraries for LDAP access
ii  libsope-ldap4.9-dev  4.9.r1664.20110126   
Development files for the SOPE LDAP librarie
ii  libsope-mime4.9  4.9.r1664.20110126   
SOPE libraries for MIME processing
ii  libsope-mime4.9-dev  4.9.r1664.20110126   
Development files for the SOPE MIME librarie
ii  libsope-xml4.9   4.9.r1664.20110126   
SOPE libraries for XML processing
ii  libsope-xml4.9-dev   4.9.r1664.20110126   
Development files for the SOPE XML libraries
ii  libsope4.9-dev   4.9.r1664.20110126   
Development files for all SOPE libraries
ii  sope4.9-appserver4.9.r1664.20110126   
SOPE application server
ii  sope4.9-dbg  4.9.r1664.20110126   
Debugging files
ii  sope4.9-gdl1-mysql   4.9.r1664.20110126   
MySQL connector for SOPE's fork of the GNUst
ii  sope4.9-gdl1-postgresql  4.9.r1664.20110126   
PostgreSQL connector for SOPE's fork of the 
ii  sope4.9-libxmlsaxdriver  4.9.r1664.20110126   
XML Parser for SOPE's SAX engine
ii  sope4.9-stxsaxdriver 4.9.r1664.20110126   
Structured Text Parser for SOPE's SAX engine

admin@host:~$ dpkg -l | grep sogo
ii  sogo 1.3.5
a modern and scalable groupware

I'm probably overkill on sope, given your advice to Daniel, I did "apt-get
install sope*" to make sure all packages were upgraded.

My log file when attempting to log in via LDAP to an ActiveDirectory user
source (I tried a few times):

2011-01-27 01:18:43.584 sogod[7578] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is on.
2011-01-27 01:18:43.584 sogod[7578] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7596]: <0x0x8e8a240[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo products
loaded from '/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo':
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7596]: <0x0x8e8a240[SOGoProductLoader]>   Mailer.SOGo,
PreferencesUI.SOGo, AdministrationUI.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo,
Contacts.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo,
ContactsUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7596]: |SOGo| version 1.3.5 (build @vizzini.inverse.ca
201101261802) -- starting
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7596]: |SOGo| vmem size check enabled: shutting down app
when vmem > 384 MB
EXCEPTION:  NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException
REASON:Tried to add nil value for key 'jason.thibeault' to dictionary INFO:{}
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7575]: <0x0x8d3d6e8[WOWatchDogChild]> child 7578 exited
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7575]: <0x0x8d3d6e8[WOWatchDogChild]>  (terminated due
to signal 6)
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7575]: <0x0x8d21340[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7596]: <0x0x8e7cf08[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval
set every 300.00 seconds
Jan 27 01:18:43 sogod [7596]: <0x0x8e7cf08[SOGoCache]> Using host(s)
'localhost' as server(s)
2011-01-27 01:18:43.731 sogod[7596] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is
2011-01-27 01:18:43.731 sogod[7596] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is enabled!

[SOGo] BTS activities for Wednesday, January 26 2011

2011-01-26 Thread SOGo reporter
Title: BTS activities for Wednesday, January 26 2011

BTS Activities

  Home page: http://www.sogo.nu/bugs
  Project: SOGo
  For the period covering: Wednesday, January 26 2011

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
	2011-01-26 09:10:07
	new (open)
	Backend Calendar
	iCal from Mac OS X 10.6 -  can't move events between calendars - CalDAVMoveEntityQueueableOperation
	2011-01-26 08:42:42
	new (open)
	Backend Mail
	Cannot define per-domain imap hosts
	2011-01-26 12:09:18
	new (open)
	Web Address Book
	Contacts Categories have problems displaying Umlauts
	2011-01-26 15:23:20
	new (open)
	Web Calendar
	[1.3.5] False Date-Format in "Invite Attendees"-Window
	2011-01-26 09:44:49
	new (open)
	Web General
	usability/accessibility issues
	2011-01-26 09:23:46
	new (open)
	Web Mail
	drag n drop several emails
	2011-01-26 10:54:36
	new (open)
	with external server
	GroupDavSynchronizer: obsolete DAV:sync-response after DAV:sync-collection request?
	2011-01-26 10:57:43
	resolved (fixed)
	Web Calendar
	With, Internet Explorer unable to remove event (contextual menu doesn't show "delete event")

[SOGo] Funambol not synchronizing with SoGo server

2011-01-26 Thread firedup

I'm new to the world of SOGo. However in the quest to maintain control of my
data, I find that the service/software offered by SOGo and Funambol is
invaluable. So thank you to the community of developers. 

I just joined the world of Android phones and am attempting to avoid using
Google's services for contacts and calendar. I have successfully followed the
SOGo instructions with the ZEG server and have an operational host with the
sogod running. The web interface for email, calendar, addressbook and tasks is
working fine.

I also activated the Funambol server on the ZEG appliance and am successfully
able to sync my Android v2.1 phone to the Funambol server. However, the data
does not appear to make it to the SOGo server. To be clear, the Android device
(Funambol Android sync client v9.1.0 reports a successful sync. The number of
records it transfers to Funambol is accurate. I can login to the Postgres
server on the ZEG host and I can see the records in the database. 

funambol=> select userid,status,completed,subject from fnbl_pim_calendar where
userid = 'sogo2';
 userid | status | completed |  subject  
 sogo2  | N  |   | Nee one today\r
 sogo2  | N  |   | Setup sync with Gmail Tasks or Producteev
 sogo2  | N  |   | Add a widget to your desktop
 sogo2  | N  |   | Create your first task

So the tasks that got created on the phone made it to Funambol. But they do not
seem to be making it to the SOGo installation. I am using the SOGo connector
Funambol module, but something is not working. I cannot figure out based on
ds-server logs where and what is broken. Can someone clue me in as to what I
should be looking for to verify that the data indeed makes it from Funambol all
the way back to the "sogo" database?

How can I begin to debug this? This is the last step in my verifying that SOGo
will indeed work for my situation.


Re: [SOGo] German-speaking usergroup of SOGo?

2011-01-26 Thread Martin Rabl

Am 26.01.2011 um 23:00 schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
> I don't think so. Form follows function. We need to share a topic. Any
> organizational form will follow naturally.
Jep, right, thats what I meant  ;-)

> A good thing would probably be to start writing German SOGo documentation or
> HOWTOs. The more people can use it easily the more people will use it.
A very good source I think are the pages of Pascal at the University of 

A first step is to translate the SOGo documentation.

@Francis: I don't know much about trademarks etc., but is it allowed to use the 
logo of SOGo and the design of the documentation docs for a german version?



Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-26 Thread Daniel Berteaud
Le mercredi 26 janvier 2011 à 15:25 -0500, Francis Lachapelle a écrit :
> Hi Daniel
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Daniel Berteaud wrote:
> > Here are the rpms installed on this server:
> > 
> > [root@robert ~]# rpm -qa | egrep 'sogo|sope'
> > sope49-gdl1-contentstore-1.3.5-1.el5
> > sope49-ldap-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> > sope49-appserver-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> > sope49-xml-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> > sope49-mime-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> > sogo-1.3.5-1.el5
> > sope49-sbjson-2.3.1-20110126_1664.el5.1
> > sope49-cards-1.3.5-1.el5
> > sope49-gdl1-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> > sope49-core-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> > sope49-gdl1-mysql-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> Have you restarted memcached?

Yes, I stopped both daemons, then started memcached and sogod, the
problem persists.

Regards, Daniel

> Francis
> --
> flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
> Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 
> (http://packetfence.org)
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Mail: dan...@firewall-services.com
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com


Re: [SOGo] German-speaking usergroup of SOGo?

2011-01-26 Thread Patrick Ben Koetter
* Martin Rabl :
> Hi,
> Am 26.01.2011 um 21:32 schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
> > My personal impression is Linuxmagazin is more into software battles 
> > recently.
> :) Could be ...
> > Anyway. What happened to Pascal's proposal for a German user group. I 
> > wouldn't
> > drive all the way to Konstanz, allthough the city is lovely, to get 
> > together,
> > but I would definitely be interested to start a group.
> > GSUG == German SOGo User Group?
> > Franziskanerstraße 15  Telefon +49 89 3090 4664
> > 81669 München  Telefax +49 89 3090 4666
> Maybe MSUG = Munich User Group? ;-)

You, me... Hmmm, three's a crowd. ;)

> (I'm working at Munich, too)
> Basically is the GSUG an good Idea, I think.


> We should clarify the way(s) we work together, the topics - in common: which
> objectives and contents are important for german SOGo-Users.
> And: do we really need a GSUG?

I don't think so. Form follows function. We need to share a topic. Any
organizational form will follow naturally.

A good thing would probably be to start writing German SOGo documentation or
HOWTOs. The more people can use it easily the more people will use it.


state of mind
Digitale Kommunikation


Franziskanerstraße 15  Telefon +49 89 3090 4664
81669 München  Telefax +49 89 3090 4666

Amtsgericht MünchenPartnerschaftsregister PR 563


[SOGo] integrator/lightning "home" calendar

2011-01-26 Thread Donny Brooks
When installing the integrator with lightning I have noticed that it 
creates a "Home" calendar. Is there a way to not have it do this? I want 
to push this out to all of our end users automatically. With that I do 
not want them to have to uncheck/disable home for fear they will not do 
it properly. Any ideas?

Donny B.

Re: [SOGo] German-speaking usergroup of SOGo?

2011-01-26 Thread Martin Rabl

Am 26.01.2011 um 21:32 schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
> My personal impression is Linuxmagazin is more into software battles recently.
:) Could be ...

> Anyway. What happened to Pascal's proposal for a German user group. I wouldn't
> drive all the way to Konstanz, allthough the city is lovely, to get together,

> but I would definitely be interested to start a group.
> GSUG == German SOGo User Group?

> Franziskanerstraße 15  Telefon +49 89 3090 4664
> 81669 München  Telefax +49 89 3090 4666
Maybe MSUG = Munich User Group? ;-)
(I'm working at Munich, too)

Basically is the GSUG an good Idea, I think.
We should clarify the way(s) we work together, the topics - in common: which 
objectives and contents are important for german SOGo-Users.
And: do we really need a GSUG?


[SOGo] Allowing remote images in webmail

2011-01-26 Thread Corrado Fiore
Dear All,

is there a way to make SOGo webmail show remote images by default, without 
requiring users to allow them manually for each message?  I know it's a 
security measure found in many clients, but I wonder how to configure the 
default behavior.

Corrado Fiore


Re: [SOGo] German-speaking usergroup of SOGo?

2011-01-26 Thread Patrick Ben Koetter
* Martin Rabl :
> Hm - this could give SOGo a face in Germany. Good for PR.
> Everytime SOGo ships a new release, I wrote a mail "FYI" to
> "Heise.de" and "Linux Magazin" ... and got no response. Only one
> time an editor of "Linux Magazin" answered and asked some questions
> (i. e. sth he will fnd in the changelogs ... ;-)), but not more.

My personal impression is Linuxmagazin is more into software battles recently.

Anyway. What happened to Pascal's proposal for a German user group. I wouldn't
drive all the way to Konstanz, allthough the city is lovely, to get together,
but I would definitely be interested to start a group.

> Maybe has a GSUG a better standing?

GSUG == German SOGo User Group?


> Martin
> Am 17.11.2010 10:34, schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
> >* Pascal Gienger:
> Are there other SOGo users in Germany, Switzerland, Austria
> deploying or planning to deploy SOGo in their institution?
> We at the university of Constance/Konstanz do offer the SOGo service
> already to all our students, staff members and professors/teachers.
> Operating System is CentOS 5.5.
> If there's some interest to share experiences and to look at each
> other's setup/solution I would be fine.
> >>>
> >>>+1
> >>>
> >>>We'd join the list. We'd provide a list if that is needed.
> >>
> >>We can provide it too but I did not want to talk about a simple list but
> >>rather than real user group like a reference of SOGo users.
> >
> >You mean something like: The "German SOGo user group". We meet regularly, put
> >up a booth at (Linux) conferences, speak at conferences about SOGo, start the
> >SOGo evangelism, etc.?
> >
> >p@rick
> >
> >
> -- 
> Viele Grüße,
>   Martin Rabl
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

state of mind
Digitale Kommunikation


Franziskanerstraße 15  Telefon +49 89 3090 4664
81669 München  Telefax +49 89 3090 4666

Amtsgericht MünchenPartnerschaftsregister PR 563


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-26 Thread Francis Lachapelle
Hi Daniel

On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Daniel Berteaud wrote:

> Here are the rpms installed on this server:
> [root@robert ~]# rpm -qa | egrep 'sogo|sope'
> sope49-gdl1-contentstore-1.3.5-1.el5
> sope49-ldap-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> sope49-appserver-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> sope49-xml-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> sope49-mime-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> sogo-1.3.5-1.el5
> sope49-sbjson-2.3.1-20110126_1664.el5.1
> sope49-cards-1.3.5-1.el5
> sope49-gdl1-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> sope49-core-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1
> sope49-gdl1-mysql-4.9-20110126_1664.el5.1

Have you restarted memcached?


flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-26 Thread Daniel Berteaud
Le mercredi 26 janvier 2011 à 14:20 -0500, Francis Lachapelle a écrit :
> Hi Daniel
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:13 PM, Daniel Berteaud wrote:
> > Hi. Thanks for your work on this. SOGo is a great product.
> > 
> > I've just tried to upgrade my server to 1.3.5 (from rpm on a CentOS 5.5
> > box), I've added OCSSessionsFolderURL as explained here:
> > http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/view.php?id=698
> > 
> > But now, when I try to log into the web interface, I just have the
> > message "An unhandled error occurred." displayed, I cannot login.
> Did you make sure to stop all sogod processes before restarting SOGo?


> Can you show all your RPM packages matching "sogo" or "sope"?

Here are the rpms installed on this server:

[root@robert ~]# rpm -qa | egrep 'sogo|sope'
[root@robert ~]# 

Regards, Daniel

> Francis
> --
> flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
> Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 
> (http://packetfence.org)
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Mail: dan...@firewall-services.com
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-26 Thread Francis Lachapelle
Hi Daniel

On Jan 26, 2011, at 2:13 PM, Daniel Berteaud wrote:

> Hi. Thanks for your work on this. SOGo is a great product.
> I've just tried to upgrade my server to 1.3.5 (from rpm on a CentOS 5.5
> box), I've added OCSSessionsFolderURL as explained here:
> http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/view.php?id=698
> But now, when I try to log into the web interface, I just have the
> message "An unhandled error occurred." displayed, I cannot login.

Did you make sure to stop all sogod processes before restarting SOGo?

Can you show all your RPM packages matching "sogo" or "sope"?


flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-26 Thread Daniel Berteaud
Hi. Thanks for your work on this. SOGo is a great product.

I've just tried to upgrade my server to 1.3.5 (from rpm on a CentOS 5.5
box), I've added OCSSessionsFolderURL as explained here:

But now, when I try to log into the web interface, I just have the
message "An unhandled error occurred." displayed, I cannot login.

I attach the logs from sogo when I try to login.

I suppose it's because of the change in the way sessions are handled

Just one more information: the table sogo_sessions_folders is created,
but no entries are added.

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Berteaud
Société de Services en Logiciels Libres
Technopôle Montesquieu
Tel : 05 56 64 15 32
Fax : 05 56 64 15 32
Mail: dan...@firewall-services.com
Web : http://www.firewall-services.com
https://inverse.ca/sogo/listsJan 26 20:10:40 sogod [10097]: <0x0x9bc11b0[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup interval set every 300.00 seconds
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [10097]: <0x0x9bc11b0[SOGoCache]> Using host(s) 'localhost' as server(s)
2011-01-26 20:10:40.170 sogod[10097] Note(SoObject): SoDebugKeyLookup is enabled!
2011-01-26 20:10:40.172 sogod[10097] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL is enabled!
2011-01-26 20:10:40.172 sogod[10097] Note(SoObject): relative base URLs are enabled.
2011-01-26 20:10:40.247 sogod[10097] WOCompoundElement: pool embedding is on.
2011-01-26 20:10:40.247 sogod[10097] WOCompoundElement: id logging is on.
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [10097]: <0x0x9cac120[LDAPSource]> WARNING: using old bindFields format - please update it
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [10097]: <0x0x9ca3db0[LDAPSource]> WARNING: using old bindFields format - please update it
EXCEPTION:  NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException REASON:Tried to add nil value for key 'dani' to dictionary INFO:{}
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [8863]: <0x0x998e560[WOWatchDogChild]> child 10097 exited
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [8863]: <0x0x998e560[WOWatchDogChild]>  (terminated due to signal 6)
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [8863]: <0x0x9971ed8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned with pid 10118
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [10118]: <0x0x9aea9f8[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo products loaded from '/usr/GNUstep/System/Library/SOGo':
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [10118]: <0x0x9aea9f8[SOGoProductLoader]>   ContactsUI.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo, AdministrationUI.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo, Appointments.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [10118]: |SOGo| version 1.3.5 (build r...@vizzini.inverse.ca 201101261226) -- starting
Jan 26 20:10:40 sogod [10118]: |SOGo| vmem size check enabled: shutting down app when vmem > 384 MB

[SOGo] ANN: SOGo v1.3.5

2011-01-26 Thread Francis Lachapelle
The Inverse Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of SOGo 
1.3.5. This is a minor release of SOGo which focuses on small new features and 
improved stability over previous versions.

=== What is SOGo ===

SOGo is a free and modern scalable groupware server. It offers shared 
calendars, address books and emails through your favorite Web browser or by 
using a native client such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning.

SOGo is standard-compliant and supports CalDAV, CardDAV, GroupDAV and reuses 
existing IMAP, SMTP and database servers - making the solution easy to deploy 
and interoperable with many applications.

SOGo features :

 * Scalable architecture suitable for deployments from dozen to many thousand 
 * Rich Web-based interface that shares the look and feel, the features and the 
data of Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning
 * Improved integration with Mozilla Thunderbird and Lightning by using the 
SOGo Connector and the SOGo Integrator
 * Two-way synchronization support with any SyncML-capable devices (BlackBerry, 
Palm, Windows CE, etc.) by using the Funambol SOGo Connector
 * Excellent integration with Apple iCal 3/4 and Apple iPhone OS 3/4

and many more! SOGo and our connectors are completely free.

=== Changes from the previous release ===

New Features
 * implemented secured sessions
 * added SHA1 password hashing in SQL sources
 * mail aliases columns can be specified for SQL sources through the 
configuration parameter MailFieldNames

 * updated CKEditor to version 3.4.3
 * removed the Reply-To header in sent messages
 * the event timezone is now considered when computing an event recurrence rule
 * improved printing of a message with multple recipients
 * the new parameter SearchFieldNames allows to specify which LDAP fields to 
query when filtering contacts

Bug Fixes
 * restored current time shown as a red line in calendar module
 * logout button no longer appears when SOGoCASLogoutEnabled is set to NO
 * fixed error when deleting freshly created addressbooks
 * the mail column in SQL sources is not longer ignored
 * fixed wrapping of long lines in messages with non-ASCII characters
 * fixed a bug that would prevent alarms to be triggered when non-repetitive

See http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/changelog_page.php?project_id=1 for the change log.

Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1 is the preferred version to use with SOGo.

=== Getting SOGo ===

SOGo is free software and is distributed under the GNU GPL. As such, you are 
free to download and try it by visiting the following page :


You can also download the sources by following the instructions on this page:


Frontend clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Mozilla Lightning (Inverse 
Edition), SOGo Connector and SOGo Integrator extensions are available for 
download from :


Documentation about the installation and configuration of SOGo, Thunderbird or 
mobile devices is available from :


You can also try our online SOGo demo at :


=== Upgrading to v1.3.5 ===

With 1.3.5, you must define the configuration parameter "OCSSessionsFolderURL". 
For example :

 defaults -u sogo write sogod OCSSessionsFolderURL 

=== How can I help ? ===

SOGo is a collaborative effort in order to create the best Free and Open Source 
groupware solution.

There are multiple ways you can contribute to the project :

 * Documentation reviews, enhancements and translations
 * Write test cases - if you know Python, join in!
 * Feature requests or by sharing your ideas (see the roadmap)
 * Participate to the discussion in mailing lists
 * Patches for bugs or enhancements (http://www.sogo.nu/bugs)
 * Provide new translations 

Feel free to send us your questions. You can also post them to the SOGo mailing 
list: https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

=== Getting Support ===

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us by writing to 

Customer support packages for SOGo are available from 

flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] Calendar issues after upgrade

2011-01-26 Thread Francis Lachapelle

On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:03 PM, Brian Lockwood wrote:

> I updated from an earlier version than 1.33. Is there an older script that 
> does an update to the fields in the Calendar quick tables?

Sorry about the confusion. Use sql-update-1.2.2_to_1.3.0.sh to add the 
c_category column to the appointments quick tables.


flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] Calendar issues after upgrade

2011-01-26 Thread Brian Lockwood
Thanks for that.

The field I had to add  c_category (not c_categories)
I had to add it to the quick table which does the calendar as opposed to

The script in question (sql-update-1.3.3_to_1.3.4.sh) refers to the Contacts
table. As I thought, I had already run it.
When I reran it, luckily, it just said that the fieldname was already there
for all my users' contact tables.

loads of lines like this

ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogohallj0900b365f7997_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogohomerl0900575031a7a_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogoscottt090025e560e92_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogoholdswor0067fec48aa_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogorobinson0031d36d832_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogocarveri0011244dd79a_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogobambridg00c355534f9_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogochiltone0072c2b0b70_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogostaplesj001238a71ea_quick"
already exists
ERROR:  column "c_categories" of relation "sogoeglons0900a45592d61_quick"
already exists

I updated from an earlier version than 1.33. Is there an older script that
does an update to the fields in the Calendar quick tables?


On 26 January 2011 15:31, Francis Lachapelle  wrote:

> On Jan 25, 2011, at 6:28 AM, Brian Lockwood wrote:
> > Apologies for a long post. Also, u...@sogo.nu seems to be the new place
> to post sogo messages as my messages to s...@opengroupware.org do not
> appear.
> Yes, since May 2010 .. ;)
> > I use SOGo for the school email system but wanted to expand use of the
> calendar. Unfortunately it seems to have broken, probably since the 1.33
> upgrade.
> > I get  errors in the sogo log (placed below this message).
> >
> > When I upgraded, I ran a database upgrade script that came with the
> upgrade.
> > Mail and address books all seem fine for all users.
> >  I added a field into my sogobrianloc00117296d89 table of the datatype
> varchar(10) called c_category and this seemed to make the problem go away.
> >
> > Jan 24 18:50:39 sogod [15291]: [ERROR] <0x0xaa479f8[GCSFolder]>
> -[GCSFolder fetchFields:fetchSpecification:ignoreDeleted:]: cannot execute
> quick-fetch SQL 'SELECT
> b.c_name,b.c_content,b.c_creationdate,b.c_lastmodified,b.c_version,a.c_component,a.c_title,a.c_location,a.c_orgmail,a.c_status,a.c_category,a.c_classification,a.c_isallday,a.c_isopaque,a.c_participants,a.c_partmails,a.c_partstates,a.c_sequence,a.c_priority,a.c_cycleinfo,a.c_iscycle,a.c_nextalarm,a.c_uid,a.c_startdate,a.c_enddate
> FROM sogobrianloc00117296d89_quick a, sogobrianloc00117296d89 b WHERE
> ((c_component = 'vevent') AND (c_iscycle = 1)) AND a.c_name = b.c_name AND
> (c_deleted != 1 OR c_deleted IS NULL)': 
> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error
> (channel=<0x0xac78c40[PostgreSQL72Channel]:
> connection=<0x0x943c1a0[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0xaa8efd8>>): ERROR:
>  column a.c_category does not exist
> You didn't executed the update script (sql-update-1.3.3_to_1.3.4.sh). It
> adds the c_categories field for all the quick addressbook tables.
> Francis
> --
> flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
> Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence (
> http://packetfence.org)
> --
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

Re: [SOGo] kerberos authentication

2011-01-26 Thread escoreal
Hi Marco,

to use external authentication like Kerberos you have to use HTTP Header in
front of SOGo:

There are a lot of examples in the Web for doing that. But the exact
configuration steps depend on your setup. Especially for Apache and Kerberos
there are a lot of how-tos.


Re: [SOGo] Funambol : Calendar synchro on Android 2.2

2011-01-26 Thread Stuart Sheldon
Hash: SHA256

I'm using Calendar Sync Beta for bi-directional sync using Cal
Dav on 2.2 with an G2


On 01/26/2011 06:33 AM, Stéphane PERON wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just installed funambol v9  and created sogo-card and card in
> FunambolSOGoConnector ( I have deleted the card entry in the
> FunambolFoundationConnector )
> The card synchronisation works very well ... with an android 2.2
> Operating System.
> I have done the same thing for calendar that is supposed to be supported
> from this funambol version ...
> However, on my android 2.2, I can't see the calendar icon ... like seen
> on this page : http://www.funambol.com/solutions/android.php
> So my question :
> Does anyone has succeeded in using calendar synchronisation with SOGO on
> android ??
> Cheers
> Stéphane

- -- 
Poets tell how Pancho fell, and Lefty's living in a cheap hotel
The desert's quiet and Cleveland's cold, And so the story ends we're told
Pancho needs your prayers it's true, but save a few for Lefty too
He only did what he had to do, and now he's growing old.
 -- Willie Nelson and Merle Haggart "Pancho and Lefty"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [SOGo] Calendar issues after upgrade

2011-01-26 Thread Francis Lachapelle

On Jan 25, 2011, at 6:28 AM, Brian Lockwood wrote:

> Apologies for a long post. Also, u...@sogo.nu seems to be the new place to 
> post sogo messages as my messages to s...@opengroupware.org do not appear.

Yes, since May 2010 .. ;)

> I use SOGo for the school email system but wanted to expand use of the 
> calendar. Unfortunately it seems to have broken, probably since the 1.33 
> upgrade.
> I get  errors in the sogo log (placed below this message).
> When I upgraded, I ran a database upgrade script that came with the upgrade.
> Mail and address books all seem fine for all users.
>  I added a field into my sogobrianloc00117296d89 table of the datatype 
> varchar(10) called c_category and this seemed to make the problem go away.
> Jan 24 18:50:39 sogod [15291]: [ERROR] <0x0xaa479f8[GCSFolder]> -[GCSFolder 
> fetchFields:fetchSpecification:ignoreDeleted:]: cannot execute quick-fetch 
> b.c_name,b.c_content,b.c_creationdate,b.c_lastmodified,b.c_version,a.c_component,a.c_title,a.c_location,a.c_orgmail,a.c_status,a.c_category,a.c_classification,a.c_isallday,a.c_isopaque,a.c_participants,a.c_partmails,a.c_partstates,a.c_sequence,a.c_priority,a.c_cycleinfo,a.c_iscycle,a.c_nextalarm,a.c_uid,a.c_startdate,a.c_enddate
>  FROM sogobrianloc00117296d89_quick a, sogobrianloc00117296d89 b WHERE 
> ((c_component = 'vevent') AND (c_iscycle = 1)) AND a.c_name = b.c_name AND 
> (c_deleted != 1 OR c_deleted IS NULL)':  
> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal pgsql error 
> (channel=<0x0xac78c40[PostgreSQL72Channel]: 
> connection=<0x0x943c1a0[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0xaa8efd8>>): ERROR:  
> column a.c_category does not exist

You didn't executed the update script (sql-update-1.3.3_to_1.3.4.sh). It adds 
the c_categories field for all the quick addressbook tables.


flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] Funambol : Calendar synchro on Android 2.2

2011-01-26 Thread Dennis Petschull
Hi Stéphane,

you need to use the v9 beta from here:

Then it works just fine.


On 01/26/11 15:33, Stéphane PERON wrote:
> Hi,
> I have just installed funambol v9  and created sogo-card and card in
> FunambolSOGoConnector ( I have deleted the card entry in the
> FunambolFoundationConnector )
> The card synchronisation works very well ... with an android 2.2
> Operating System.
> I have done the same thing for calendar that is supposed to be supported
> from this funambol version ...
> However, on my android 2.2, I can't see the calendar icon ... like seen
> on this page : http://www.funambol.com/solutions/android.php
> So my question :
> Does anyone has succeeded in using calendar synchronisation with SOGO on
> android ??
> Cheers
> Stéphane



Re: [SOGo] Funambol : Calendar synchro on Android 2.2

2011-01-26 Thread David Cure

Le Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 03:33:57PM +0100, Stéphane PERON ecrivait :
> I have just installed funambol v9  and created sogo-card and card in  

server or client ?

> So my question :
> Does anyone has succeeded in using calendar synchronisation with SOGO on  
> android ??

yes but you need to install the snapshot version of the v9.0.1
client for Android.


Chronique, Articles, Projets "libre"  ->  http://www.cure.nom.fr/
Association FINIX : Finistere *nix->  http://www.Finix.EU.Org/
 "Le temps est sans importance, seule la vie est importante" L5E

Description: Digital signature

[SOGo] Funambol : Calendar synchro on Android 2.2

2011-01-26 Thread Stéphane PERON


I have just installed funambol v9  and created sogo-card and card in 
FunambolSOGoConnector ( I have deleted the card entry in the 
FunambolFoundationConnector )

The card synchronisation works very well ... with an android 2.2 
Operating System.

I have done the same thing for calendar that is supposed to be supported 
from this funambol version ...

However, on my android 2.2, I can't see the calendar icon ... like seen 
on this page : http://www.funambol.com/solutions/android.php

So my question :
Does anyone has succeeded in using calendar synchronisation with SOGO on 
android ??




[SOGo] blackberry and SOGo

2011-01-26 Thread Louis-Philippe Gauthier

Funambol doesn't talk to SOGo. Why ?

My BlackBerry sync with Funambol. We change Hypersonic to Mysql backend. I
see contacts and events in the database. I installed the Funambol SOGo
Connector and made the syncSources (sogo-card, sogo-cal, sogo-todo) (see
documentation p.34 - Installation and configuration Guide, version 1.3.4).
On the Blackberry, in the funambol client, I changed the remote name to
sogo-card, sogo-cal, sogo-todo.

Since I deleted the FunambolFoundationConnector in FunambolAdmin, the
synchronisation doesn't work anymore. Must I delete the syncsource from

Someone try Blackberry 8300 (BBoS 4.5.0)  with SOGo ?

Any idea ? hints ?


Louis-Philippe Gauthier

Re: Re: [SOGo] Funambol v9.0

2011-01-26 Thread fasil
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Brian Kirkman < "> bkirk...@qwest.net> wrote:
I see Funambol v9.0 has been released.  Has anyone tried the Funambol SOGo
connector with this new version?  I'm about to take a crack at it.  I'll report

I tried the client ver 9.0.2 for blackberry with a 8.5.2 server installation.
Out of the box, tasks/notes don't work in the client. Nothing to do with the
server, the client (from app world) is buggy. 

I tried Funambol 9.0 with SOGo-Funambol connector. I got the below error while
installing the modules.
  [iterate] The Funambol Data Synchronization Server installation program can
now create
  [iterate] the database required by the module email-connector-9.0.0 (if any
is needed).
  [iterate] You can skip this step if you have already a valid database created
  [iterate] or the module does not require a database.

  [iterate] If you choose 'y' your existing data will be deleted.

  [iterate] Do you want to recreate the database?
  [iterate]   (y,n)
 [echo] install.modules basedir /opt/Funambol/ds-server
 [echo] install.modules basedir /opt/Funambol/ds-server
 [echo] install.modules basedir /opt/Funambol/ds-server
  [sql] Failed to execute:   drop table fnbl_email_cache
  [sql] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: table "fnbl_email_cache"
does not exist
  [sql] Failed to execute:  drop table fnbl_email_inbox
  [sql] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: table "fnbl_email_inbox"
does not exist
  [sql] Failed to execute:  drop table fnbl_email_folder
  [sql] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: table "fnbl_email_folder"
does not exist
  [sql] Failed to execute:  drop table fnbl_email_sentpop
  [sql] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: table
"fnbl_email_sentpop" does not exist
  [sql] Failed to execute:   drop table fnbl_email_mailserver
  [sql] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: table
"fnbl_email_mailserver" does not exist
  [sql] Failed to execute:  drop table fnbl_email_push_registry
  [sql] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: table
"fnbl_email_push_registry" does not exist
  [sql] Failed to execute:  drop table fnbl_email_account
  [sql] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: table
"fnbl_email_account" does not exist
  [sql] Failed to execute:  drop table fnbl_email_enable_account
  [sql] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: table
"fnbl_email_enable_account" does not exist
 [echo] install.modules basedir /opt/Funambol/ds-server
  [sql] Failed to execute:create table fnbl_email_cache ( guid  
varchar(200) not null, source_uri varchar(128) not null, principal  bigint 
 not null, last_crc   bigint, invalidchar, internal   char, messageid 
varchar(700), headerdate varchar(20), received   varchar(20), subject   
varchar(700), sender varchar(300), isemailchar, constraint pk_cache
primary key (guid, source_uri, principal), constraint fk_principal_email_cache
foreign key (principal) references fnbl_principal (id) on delete cascade )

/opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install.xml:238: The following error occurred
while executing this line:
/opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install-modules.xml:120: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
/opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install-modules.xml:168: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
/opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install-modules.xml:240: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
/opt/Funambol/ds-server/install/install-modules.xml:285: The following error
occurred while executing this line:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "fnbl_principal" does not
does anyone know what went wrong? 

Re: [SOGo] Login using email address

2011-01-26 Thread Francis Lachapelle

On Jan 25, 2011, at 4:58 PM, Eduardo Diaz Comellas wrote:

>> Yes, with SOGoForceIMAPLoginWithEmail = YES; parameter.
>>> However, this makes the login into cyrus (or the backend IMAP server) with 
>>> the email. I just want to access SOGO with the email, and make SOGO 
>>> authenticate to the imap server with the login (as taken from the MySQL 
>>> database).
>> You need to define to define bindFields, which is an array of LDAP fields 
>> you want to provide to authenticate.
> And if you are using MySQL as backend instead of LDAP?

Point c_uid in your SQL view to your username column. This is all explained in 
the installation guide.


flachape...@inverse.ca :: +1.514.755.3640 :: http://www.inverse.ca
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo (http://sogo.nu) and PacketFence 
