Re: [SOGo] notification in apple iCal

2012-03-13 Thread Thomas Paduch
*mhmmm* I don't think this depends on the push feature. We test the Apple iCal
behavior also by importing the ics files (send by sogo via mail).
same behavior ... no notification appear in the notification box. If we modifing
the ics file and change the following line


it works ... may be there is a similiar modification for the caldav entry.

On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 03:18:56PM -0700, Piet Hein wrote:
> I don't think server push features are implemented in SOGo (yet?). Afaik it's 
> not in the CalDAV specifications.
> Apple uses an own extension to realise server push features, I believe it 
> uses XMPP.
> Your clients should update their data if you manually refresh your client, 
> you should be able to schedule  intervals between automatic refreshes (pull) 
> in most clients, in iCal the setting can be made in the 'Account Information' 
> screen of the 'Accounts' tab in the preferences.
> But implementation of push features in SOGo would be great.
> - Original Message -
> From: Bruno Lingner (Hugo) 
> To:
> Cc: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 9:14 PM
> Subject: [SOGo] notification in apple iCal
> hi list
> I have a question that is not directly tied to sogo.
> why don't I see any notifications at all in apple iCal?
> I tried to do everything they say in the help file from iCal,
> but still no notification for new events appear in there.
> I thought they shoud appear in the list, as soon as someone
> invites me to a meeting, so i can keep track of events that
> I have to respond to.
> tried it in iCal 4 and 5 on macs, iPod and iPhones.
> can anyone shed a light on this perhaps?
> thanks
> hugo.-
> --
> -- 

Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.

[SOGo] Apple iCal vs. daylight time vs. RRULE

2012-03-28 Thread Thomas Paduch
Hi there,

since last weekend (switch to daylight time) there is an strange behavior
with Apple iCal (4.0.4 / Snow Leopard) and Events created via Web GUI.
All Events appears 1 hour later in Apple iCal. Events created with iCal 
or Thunderbird+Lightning displayed still correctly in Apple iCal. Also 
Thunderbird+Lightning and the Web GUI display all events correctly, only
iCal make something wrong.
The Timezone Support in Apple iCal is disabled.

If i change the RRULE in the STANDARD TIMEZONE Part of the event from:




the Event in Apple iCal will be displayed correctly. At this moment we  

use an apache substitute (in the caldav vhost) as workaround:

  AddOutputFilterByType SUBSTITUTE text/html text/xml text/calendar

... maybe it make sense to change the RRULE order for events created by
the Web GUI.

Best Regards,

Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.

[SOGo] Apple iCal vs. serverside changed events

2012-06-14 Thread Thomas Paduch
Hi list, 

if the organisor of an event is using Apple iCal and invites an ressource wich 
autoaccept or an group which will autoexpand to their members at the server side
the organisor iCal did not notice the change.

I think the iCal change / write the event to the server

PUT /SOGo/dav/pad/Calendar/personal/4CA9F27D-F9C3-489B-978E-629AA3AE41CC.ics 
User-Agent: DAVKit/4.0.3 (732.2); CalendarStore/4.0.4 (997.7); iCal/4.0.4 
(1395.7); Mac OS X/10.6.8 (10K549)
Authorization: Basic cGFkOlBQZXk5OCEh
If-Match: "gcs"
Content-Type: text/calendar

and got the new etag

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
content-length: 0
etag: "gcs0001"
content-type: text/plain

without asking for any additional change at the server side. If the meeting is 
again (for instance one attende accept the meeting) ... the organisor iCal get 
about all those changes.

in case of an serverside change ... is it possible to make any kind of "touch" 
for the 
organiser calender after he got his "new" etag (so etag and timstamp will 
increment again)?

Best Regards,  

Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.

[SOGo] show time as free vs. resource availability

2015-11-18 Thread Thomas Paduch
Hi all,

when the organizer mark an event as "show time as free" the inivited 
resource(s) will also shown as available for further bookings. But if 
someone add one of those resources to an other event, the server will
reject the event (multiplebookings=1).
Is this the right behavior or should I open a bug report. 

Best Regards,

Fate protects fools, little children and ships named Enterprise.