I have the same issue Using Android 6 Can anyone suggest any specific version for caldav sync

The error says:

Error was:

org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to <https://sogo.techblue.co.uk>www.test.com refused

Please don't report occasional connection errors. Read the article about connection errors <http://dmfs.org/wiki/index.php?title=Connection_errors> instead.

App: org.dmfs.caldav.lib
App version: 0.4.32
OS version: 23
OS Info: samsung/trltexx/trlte:6.0.1/MMB29M/N910FXXU1DQHC:user/release-keys
Manufacturer: samsung
Date: Mon Mar 05 11:03:44 GMT+00:00 2018

Looking forward for the response

On 03/05/2018 04:05 PM, "albert.solana" (albert.sol...@upcnet.es) wrote:
Hello, Ludovic,

I've reported the issues to caldav client developers and Huawei too .

El 28/02/18 a les 20:44, Ludovic Marcotte (lmarco...@inverse.ca) ha escrit:
On 2018-02-28 9:21 AM, "albert.solana" (albert.sol...@upcnet.es) wrote:

We've tried to change several phone and app settings (disable all power saving settings) but the issue still remains.

This issue doesn't appears en a Samsung Galaxy A5 by now.
I would suggest you to bring this to the Android app developers.


        Aparna Bhat

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