
I would like to revive this thread a bit and return it to the more
generic search and move / delete user experience.

> Now, I must go to the subfolder, sort by sender and date, scroll down 3-400
> lines to the last "date of no-importance", click the next 3-500 mails and
> then delete them (which only moves them into the waste bin, where I have to
> delete them a second time ...) - and as this clicking takes more time than
> the refresh interval, I can start from the top of the list again ... and
> repeat that for about 10 subfolders ...
> This task would already be easier, if there was within the "search within
> this folder" options a seletion entry "older/newer than <date>".

I can select one or many emails when looking at an email folder and
then move those emails somewhere. But it seems I really cannot do that
when looking at the search results, is that correct or am I missing

Also there seems to be no way to search based on time.

Those two combined would have been good enough for Paul I believe.

[The other feature that I would like very much is creation of a sieve
filter based on the current search (with results). The filter creation
is totally blind at this moment, there is no feedback or any other way
to check the filter match logic.]

Any guidance about the expected search UX patterns is greatly
appreciated. I can help coding too if needed, unfortunately, ObjC is
not among the languages I have mastered.

Best regards

Martin Sivak

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