Title: BTS activities for Monday, February 07 2022

BTS Activities

Home page: https://sogo.nu/bugs
Project: SOGo
For the period covering: Monday, February 07 2022

idlast updatestatus (resolution)categorysummary
5354 2022-02-07 17:41:54 updated (open) Backend Calendar Can not edit event in shared calendar on Android despite set permissions
5468 2022-02-07 07:59:27 updated (open) sogo-tool Daily notification that auto-reply has been turned on when a start time is specified
5478 2022-02-07 12:31:59 updated (open) Web Mail some mailto: links not working when mailaddress is empty
5477 2022-02-07 15:29:50 resolved (fixed) Web Mail Message displayed empty with certain content type
5476 2022-02-07 07:44:46 closed (not a bug) Backend Calendar Calendar error

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