
I had two users which could tell me how they added calendars and had that 
recreation / multiplying problem.

I could reproduce it on my Mac:

Working caldav account with different privat and subscribed calendars from SOGo

Adding a new Calendar in Apple Calendar throws an error: „The Server reported 
an Error“ „Retry“ „OK“

In the SOGo logs I do get at that time:

May 10 15:21:28 sogod [25734]: |SOGo| starting method 'MKCALENDAR' on uri 
May 10 15:21:28 sogod [25734]: |SOGo| request took 0.000593 seconds to execute
May 10 15:21:28 sogod [25734]: "MKCALENDAR 
/SOGo/dav/greinick/Calendar/B0634B0A-AF9D-480B-8B19-E26401EE7FD2/ HTTP/1.1" 401 
0/1217 0.001 - - 0
May 10 15:21:28 sogod [25734]: |SOGo| starting method 'MKCALENDAR' on uri 
2019-05-10 15:21:28.552 sogod[25734] EXCEPTION: <NSException: 0x5639473dd430> 
NAME:NSInvalidArgumentException REASON:That name already exists INFO:(null)

Quit Apple Calendar and it COULD happen, that I do get the same error as above: 
 „The Server reported an Error“ „Retry“ „OK“

and than the created calendar gest doubled …. 

Or: try to delete the calendar from Apple Calendar, I do get the error and the 
calendar gets copied once more.

Furthermore I see this message in Apple Calendar as Error:

Antwort des Servers
an Vorgang CalDAVCalendarSplitDualTypeCalendarQueueableOperation.

Within a few clicks adding, try to remove I have generated about 10 Copies ….

HTH for debugging … and resolving … or what would be the solution?

As a workaround I can suggest the user not to create calendars or delete them 
by Apple Calendar, but that could not be the solution at the end of the day 
….Or may be I did miss some config or feature? …

        Regards . Götz

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