Hi again,

my brand new SOGo 2.0.0b1 install (from source) throws an error when I
attempt to edit a calendar event:

Oct 17 14:15:19 sogod [27896]: <0x0x80d6ae8[GCSFolderType]> ERROR: did
not find field extractor class (OCSiCalFieldExtractor)

Oct 17 14:15:19 sogod [27896]: [ERROR]
<0x089876A8[SOGoAppointmentObject]:6CF8-4E9C1C80-143-6642AE00> write
failed: <NSException: 0x898b798> NAME:GCSExtractFailed REASON:Quickfield
extractor did not return a result! INFO:{GCSFolder =
"<0x0x8447dd8[GCSFolder]: id=13
path=/Users/hannes/Calendar/B47-4E299E00-121-3178B500 type=Appointment
loc=mysql://sogo@localhost/sogo/sogohannes________>"; }

I checked the GNUstep folders, and there is a
Libraries/libOGoContentStore.so.0.9.0 file that contains the requested
class. A "lsof" shows that no process has this file open...

I'd very very grateful for any hints!



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