
I'm trying to follow the procedure from here:


I have Sogo 4.0.2 installed.

I defined three new themes in theme.js and I replaced theme-default.css.

I see in the log that my browser downloaded theme.js and theme-default.css, but I don't see any difference with the default theme (but I should). I attached theme.js to this mail (as theme.txt).

What am I doing wrong? How can I debug this issue?

Best regards,

/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */

(function() {
  'use strict';


   * @ngInject
  configure.$inject = ['$mdThemingProvider'];
  function configure($mdThemingProvider) {

     * Define a new palette or choose any of the default palettes:
     * https://material.io/guidelines/style/color.html#color-color-palette
    // $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-paper', {
    //   '50': 'fcf7f8',
    //   '100': 'f7f1dc',
    //   '200': 'ede5ca',
    //   '300': 'e6d8ba',
    //   '400': 'e2d2a3',
    //   '500': 'd6c48d',
    //   '600': 'baa870',
    //   '700': '857545',
    //   '800': '524517',
    //   '900': '433809',
    //   '1000': '000000',
    //   'A100': 'ffffff',
    //   'A200': 'eeeeee',
    //   'A400': 'bdbdbd',
    //   'A700': '616161',
    //   'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
    //   'contrastLightColors': ['800', '900']
    // });

     * Overwrite the default theme
    $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-paper', {
      '50': 'fcf7f8',
      '100': 'f7f1dc',
      '200': 'ede5ca',
      '300': 'e6d8ba',
      '400': 'e2d2a3',
      '500': 'd6c48d',
      '600': 'baa870', // busy periods in attendees editor
      '700': '857545',
      '800': '524517',
      '900': '433809',
      '1000': '000000',
      'A100': 'ffffff',
      'A200': 'eeeeee',
      'A400': 'bdbdbd',
      'A700': '616161',
      'contrastDefaultColor': 'dark',
      'contrastLightColors': ['800', '900']

    $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-background', {

    $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-gray', {
      '1000': 'baa870' // used as the background color of the busy periods of 
the attendees editor

    $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-black', {
      '1000': 'baa870' // used as the background color of the busy periods of 
the attendees editor

//    var greyMap = $mdThemingProvider.extendPalette('grey', {
//      '600': '00b0c0', // used when highlighting text in md-autocomplete,
//      '1000': 'baa870' // used as the background color of the busy periods of 
the attendees editor
//    });

//    $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('sogo-grey', greyMap);

      .primaryPalette('sogo-gray', {
        "default":"900",   // top toolbar
        "hue-2":"900",     // sidebar toolbar
      .accentPalette('sogo-black', {
        "default":"900",   // fab buttons
        "hue-1":"500",     // center list toolbar
      .backgroundPalette('sogo-background', {
        "default":"900",   // center list background


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