This morning I have upgraded our production Ubuntu 14.04 server to SOGo 3.0.0. I thought I would share the experience and results in the hope that it help someone else?

To perform the upgrade I simply edited my old apt repository entry to read:

    deb trusty trusty

After this I ran the following commands:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

About two minutes later SOGo v3.0.0 was running. Absolutely nothing else needed editing or updating in my configuration, which uses a Samba 4 LDAP directory as its user source.

The web interface was tested in Chrome 48 and Firefox 44 running on an Ubuntu 14.04 (64-bit) desktop. The interface all performed as expected with the following exceptions:

Incorrect e-mail displayed above the folder list: Bug 3473 <> Move button missing in message list: Bug 3477 <>

I then tested via Chrome 47 on my Nexus 5 running Android 6.0.1. Wow! The old v2.x interface was unusable on a screen this size and required a number of work-arounds for the right-click, which never worked well on a touchscreen. SOGo v3 is a joy to use on a small screen. I can read everything and it is fluid, feeling about as close to a native Android app as you could hope.

Many, many thanks for a great release.

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