
I am trying to track down a problem during sync with DAVx5 4.0.0 and SOGo 5.2.0 
(Arch linux server).
Downgrading to SOGo 5.1.0 did not change the behaviour.

Creation of an event works without problems. Updating the same event creates an
HTTP 412 by SOGo. DAVx5 gets the following after PUT: 

ETag: "gcs00000000"

But the multistatus received after REPORT contains the following:


This causes DAVx5 to double quote the ETag for the If-Match-header like so:
if-match: "\"gcs00000000\"". Naturally this does not match and creates the 412.

I have seen these additional UTF BOMs also at the start of VCARD/VCALENDAR.

Are these created by SOGo? I can not see them in my in the database (MariaDB 
What can I do, to get my sync with DAVx5 working again?

Best regards



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