Hi all,

I would like to keep my sogo installation as good as possible. Because of this I started to look through the logs and I found several entries which are only confusing to me. Can a) someone tell me what they want to tell me b) tell me if I can resolve them?

- nil object encountered in autorelease pool

- <data>:65: element div: validity error : ID content_div already defined
  <div id="content_div"><div id="content_div">

- Got incomplete multibyte sequence. ToEncode: UTF-16LE FromEncode: UTF-8
(Here I understand what it means, but is this solvable? If the message would give me the ID of the email then at least I could look at the problematic email.)

- WARNING(-[NGBufferedStream writeBytes:count:]): got passed in length 516MB (541591990 bytes, errcode=2147483647) ...

- File NSConcreteMapTable.m: 570. In NSFreeMapTable Null table argument supplied

Best regards,


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