
SOGoUserSources is ldap. In the same tree as the users are groups.
When I open the ACL for my calendar ans search for a group, they are successfully found in ldap.
See the slapd log, two entries are found:

Jul 2 15:06:51 rzhs265 slapd[20026]: conn=1061 op=1 SRCH base="ou=humans,ou=foo" scope=2 deref=0 filter="(|(sn=*ref12*)(displayName=*ref12*)(telephoneNumber=*ref12*)(mail=*ref12*)(cn=*ref12*))"
Jul  2 15:06:51 rzhs265 slapd[20026]: conn=1061 op=1 SRCH attr=*
Jul 2 15:06:51 rzhs265 slapd[20026]: conn=1061 op=1 ENTRY dn="ou=ofd-st-ref12,ou=gruppen,ou=humans,ou=foo" Jul 2 15:06:51 rzhs265 slapd[20026]: conn=1061 op=1 ENTRY dn="ou=ofd-z-ref12,ou=gruppen,ou=humans,ou=foo" Jul 2 15:06:51 rzhs265 slapd[20026]: conn=1061 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=2 text=

But in the ACL gui the search string turns red and nothing is displayed.
Users themselves are found perfectly fine.

A group looks like this:

dn: ou=OFD-Z-REF12,ou=gruppen,ou=humans,ou=foo
objectClass: groupaddon
objectClass: groupOfNames
cn: alle Beschaeftigten des Ref. Z 12
member: employeeNumber=10110,ou=humans,ou=foo
member: employeeNumber=16209,ou=humans,ou=foo
description: alle Beschaeftigten des Ref. Z 12
displayName: OFD-Z-REF12
mail: OFD-Z-REF12@foo
o: OFD Z
ou: OFD-Z-REF12

Why is are the search results not displayed correctly?


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