Has anyone else started seeing something similar in the last 2-3 weeks?

Running /var/spool/mqueue/x22LrU1S006228 (sequence 1 of 2)
<xy...@hughes.net>... Connecting to mx.hughes.net. via esmtp...
220 mx.hughes.net ESMTP
>>> EHLO mail.redfish-solutions.com
250-mx01.hughes.cmh.synacor.com says EHLO to
>>> MAIL From:<john_q_...@redfish-solutions.com>
451 4.7.1 You have exceeded your messaging limit.  Please try 
again later.
<xy...@hughes.net>... Deferred: 451 4.7.1 You have exceeded your 
messaging limit.  Please try again later.

There’s no way to signal to hughes.net that this is happening since you have to 
be a user to report a problem via the webforms or telephone.

I obviously can’t email support or postmaster because that gets rejected too.

It says “Please try again later” but never accepts a message and after 120 
hours, the message is tossed without ever having been accepted.

It doesn’t give you a link explaining what’s happened or why or a way to appeal 

And apparently 2-3 messages a week is “exceeding your messaging limit”.  WTF?

If they’re greylisting, it’s not being done correctly.

If they’re blacklisting, they should say so with a 5xx response and explain why 
(reputation, RBL, DKIM, SPF, etc).

Apparently operating email *is* more complicated than rocket science, because 
they can operate a satellite but can’t correctly configure a mail server.

I noticed that before this happened, smtp.hughes.net used to receive email 
(i.e. be their MXer), then it got switched to mx.hughes.net and this started 

If anyone is a hughes.net user and wants to call out this issue, I’d appreciate 



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