Matthias Keller wrote:
Marc Perkel wrote:
I'm running the latest one that is not the devel version.

Bill Landry wrote:
Marc Perkel wrote the following on 11/19/2006 6:15 PM -0800:
Does FuzzyOCR not skip blank lines?

    *   33 FUZZY_OCR BODY: Mail contains an image with common spam
text inside
    *      Words found:
    *      "" in 1 lines
    *      "" in 30 lines
* (31 word occurrences found)
You must be running a fairly old version of FuzzyOCR, as the last
several versions have not suffered from this previously known issue.



I've also encountered this problem up to 2.3b which I'm currently running...
Seems the fix only works on some systems - but not mine.

Change in  sub load_global_words :

       if (( $_ =~ /^[ \t]*#.*$/ ) or ( $_ =~ /^[^a-zA-Z]?$/ )) {

Not sure what the original if() was but this one filters out empty lines and comment lines (starting with a #) in 2.3b


Someone should update that as it is the latest version that isn't a devel version.

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