* On 21/11/06 12:48 -0500, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
| On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 08:12:03PM +0300, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
| > I'd like to run SA with only the minimalist set of config ( and .cf 
| > files) that would suffice to just run FuzzyOCR checks only.
| > SA version is 3.1.7.
| Interesting.

Crazy things do happen in this Open Source world ;)

Anyway, for me, it's because I want to run a second instance of 
FuzzyOCR on another box, which in most cases receives mail that has
been analyzed by SA from a box sitting in front of it. Spammers still
are able to connect to this box though, and this is for other reasons
that this box is only hidden by MX, but visible by other means.
It's just that I do not want to run a fully fledged SA on it.

| > Would it be fine to remove all files except:
| > 10_misc.cf 23_bayes.cf 50_scores.cf 60_awl.cf 60_whitelist.cf languages
| > 
| > Or, put another way, what files are required for a barebones SA??
| No files are needed.  The rules and the engine are generally separate.  The
| only reason you need "languages", for instance, is that if you use the TextCat
| set of rules, it needs that file to function.  23_bayes.cf is only needed if
| you want bayes active.  etc.

Great! This clarifies the doubts that were lingering in my mind.

Thank you.



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