On 26.01.2018 08:50, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
> Guten Tag Johan Corveleyn,
> am Donnerstag, 25. Januar 2018 um 20:40 schrieben Sie:
>> But I don't understand what you're trying to do. You want to include
>> the WC-root-relative path to *another dir* inside some config file,
>> while you're checking out or updating that config file? That's weird.
> One use case is simply providing e.g. systemd service files in a dir
> structure like the following, while working around some limitations of
> systemd[1]:
>> /[...]/someProject
>>    .svn
>>          [...]
>>    config
>>          appConfig.xml
>>          upstart.conf
>>          systemd.service
>>    startTheApp.sh
> The problem is that "systemd.service" needs the absolute path to
> "startTheApp.sh" in it's file and that path is unknown on commit time,
> because of very generic tags, but known during checkouts and updates.

You have to tell systemd about the location of its config file anyway.
Changing 'svn checkout' to 'svn checkout && install.sh' is surely the
sane way to do this. You have to 'svn update && restart service' too.

> The problem with a build script generating some unversioned file is
> that each user needs to do it for each working copy and each update
> chaning something on the file "systemd.service".

Each user has to check out the working copy, too. There's always some
step that needs to be done first.

-- Brane

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