I just had a commit fail midway on three different 1.8 clients without any kind 
of error logged in the output, in the client's Event Viewer (Win7,) or on the 
repo server's httpd logs (linux.)  No dump file either.  Starting with a fresh 
checkout made no difference.  There's no pre-commit hook.  I have used 1.8 to 
do merges and commits previously.

The commit did work with a 1.7.9 client (collabnet on win7 in a fresh 

1.  Does anyone have any more ideas on where I can check for additional error 
logging?  (on Win7, Cygwin clients, and Apache on a linux repo server.)
2.  Has anyone seen this behavior before in 1.8?  My google-fu found nothing.

This was with three clients, "svn, version 1.8.0 (r1490375)" for all three:  
Cygwin svn client, TortoiseSVN, and CollabNet's client in a CMD window.  Server 
is at 1.6.18 (r1303927) (CollabNet) over https.

I was adding a vendor branch manually:
1. svn copy ^/branches/build-pipeline-plugin-3.3 build-pipeline-plugin-
2. cd build-pipeline-plugin-
3. rm -rf; rm -rf .*   (OS delete)
4. Extract the build-pipeline-plugin- into the now empty dir
5. svn status | grep '^?' | sed 's/^?//' | xargs svn add   (To add any new 
6. svn status | grep '^!' | sed 's/^!//' | xargs svn rm    (To delete any 
removed files.)
7. svn ci -m 'Added from 
  (or use TortoiseSVN's "SVN Commit")

After each failed commit, 'svn cleanup' was required since everything was still 

On both the cygwin client and collabnet windows client, the check-in just 
stopped midway at the same point without any message.  The exit code was set to 
1 however.  
        $ svn ci -m 'Added from 
        Adding         .
        Deleting       .hgignore
        Deleting       .hgtags
        Deleting       .pmd
        Adding         README.md
        Sending        pom.xml


The TortoiseSVN client did create an error report, but I think it just means 
that TortoiseSVN is blocked (firewalled) from connecting to its error reporting 
server.  Plus the 1.7 client commit worked, and I have used the cygwin 1.8 
client to do merges and commits previously, so it "can't" be a permissions 
        SendRpt: Error
        Error 403 fault: SOAP-ENV:Server[no subcode]
        "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden"
        Detail: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
        Content-Type: text/html
        Server: Zscaler/4.1
        Cache-Control: no-cache
        Content-length: 3649
        HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
        Content-Type: text/html
        Server: Zscaler/4.1
        Cache-Control: no-cache
        Content-length: 3649
        HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
        Content-Type: text/html
        Server: Zscaler/4.1
        Cache-Control: no-cache
        Content-length: 3649
        ... snip ...

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