
I'm not really sure what your problem is, but for disabling the enter key you might wanna try binding the following event in a javascript module:

|$('#'+fieldId).bind('keypress',function(e){if(e.keyCode ==13){returnfalse;}}); |

You can invoke this module from your component, or create a mixin that you add to the field(s) / component.


On 18/08/16 19:20, Qbyte Consulting wrote:
An unrecoverable error occurs after the user hits Enter key in a form
rendered by an enclosed component.

Is there a way to ignore the enter key and not submit the form? It's an
AJAX search value input, not a regular form for submission, so Enter key
hits should be ignored.

<form t:type="form" t:autofocus="true">
<t:UsersComponent t:selectedUserId="selectedUserId" t:zoneId="editZone" />

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