From time to time we encouter tomcats which block while starting up. The 
stacktraces of the then "running" (but effectively blocked) threads (one of 
them being the init servlet starting thread) look alike:
Stack Trace is:
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) <-- STAYS HERE FOREVER
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at ch.mysign.cms.commons.ReflectUtil.getClassForClassName(
at ch.mysign.cms.commons.TorqueUtil.getTableName(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor605.invoke(Unknown Source)

i.e. there seems to be class loading ongoing. Unfortunately I cannot provide 
code that reproduces this (mis)behavior/bug. 
I can say though that the -XX:+AlwaysLockClassLoader JVM option "helps".

Question 1:
what happens if the init servlet spawns a thread and by coincidence (timing 
issue?) at the "very same time" the init servlet thread and the spawned thread 
try to load a (possibly even the same?) class?

Question 2:
is spawning a thread in the initservlet "allowed" at all?

Debian Stretch 
JDK 1.8.0_162 
Tomcat 8.5.28

To be noted: weh ad this "issue" with/in other environments too (even on Win10) 

Sorry for being so "fuzzy" but that's all we have to tell 😉

We can live for the moment with the AlwaysLockClassLoader-flag, but 
nevertheless would like to know if this is a bug or if we are doing something 
wrong ...

Thx in advance!

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