I have a web application that uses a proxy class to exchange information
with an external system.  When this proxy class throws an exception, it
always appears as a cause in some other exception, typically

I have built a custom error page to handle an exception where the proxy
exception is in the cause chain and I have updated my web.xml so that my
custom error page gets control.


Everything works fine when the proxy exception is in the cause chain, but I
don't want to handle all the cases were the javax.el.ELException is caused
by something else!  Instead, I want to forward those cases to the existing
Tomcat HTTP 500 error report page.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the default HTTP 500 error report
page is implemented as a Tomcat valve, not a servlet or JavaServer page that
I can easily forward to.

I can't be the only person in the world who wants to do something like
this.  I surely don't want to implement a valve to handle my proxy
exceptions.  Is there some way to forward an exception to the default HTTP
500 error page?  Is there a better alternative to handle common exceptions
with a specific cause?


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