I stand corrected. It seems that the elements: a, button, form, img,
input, map, meta, object, select, param and textarea can have the
attribute "name" under HTML 4.01 Strict. In the case of map and param
it is even mandatory.

Sorry for top-posting. I must change my gmail settings....

2010/4/12 Christopher Schultz <ch...@christopherschultz.net>:
> Hash: SHA1
> MB,
> On 4/12/2010 11:00 AM, MB wrote:
>> The request object in the servlet spec as I understand it as used in the
>> Tomcat 6 container for example makes use of the deprecated HTML
>> attribute "name"...
> +1 to Hassan's comments: the HTML attribute "name" certainly has not
> been deprecated for form elements. The whole web would break if that
> were true.
> http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#attr-fe-name
> Think about it: radio buttons would no longer work, since multiple
> <input> elements are required, all with the same name. It is illegal to
> have multiple elements with the same id, so you can't correctly
> implement radio buttons without the "name" attribute.
> Note that <input> elements are not mentioned here:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xhtml1-20020801/#h-4.10
> It's just the <form> that should use "id" instead of "name".
>> I imagine I could make my own request object, inherit and override
>> "name" with "id", but perhaps this have already been done somewhere?
> No, you couldn't: removing the "name" attribute would require that you
> modify the user agent, not the server.
> I think some web browsers will use the "id" attribute in place of the
> "name" attribute for a form element if the latter is not present. This
> behavior is not specified and shouldn't be relied upon.
> - -chris
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