forgive my ignorance please, but what exactly is tomcat comet anyway?? I
have never heard of it before so "enlighten" me about it.
Márton Szabolcs wrote:
Ive been trying to use tomcat comet for about a week, but i have no success.
I have tomcat 6.0.13, with windows xp. I install the tomc
look you say that your >>"Tomcat version is 5.5.20"<<. Why don't u
simply try/attempt to get version 6.x of Tomcat by now??? I mean any
kind of version 5 is way too old by now! Capiche? [Understand?]
Igor Shevchenko wrote:
I'm experiencing problems with starting tomcat as a service un
Yes yes I heartily echo Chris's comment, that version 4.0 of the tomcat
aplication server is way too old by now!!! Frankly nobody/ no one is
going to help you with *any* problem with tomcat 4.
Christopher Schultz wrote:
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Rahul Choubey wrot
well I know that no one/nobody asked me what my opinion is as to whether
or not you should try to obtain tomcat 6 but I would say to you "yes"
regardless of whether or not there is any looming big time change or not!
Christopher Schultz wrote:
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hi all. I find myself in need of help/assistance with a longtime problem
of mine and that is how do you get a servlet working with a backend
database server?? Here is the basic servlet and
please notice that the database server in question is IBM's Cloudscape .
after the serv
why would you ever want to remove yourself from this nice/wonderful
mailing list anyway??!! It just flat doesn't make any sense to me.
andy gordon wrote:
Would someone please remove me from the list. Every time I try to
leave the list, I either get
and error because the email it gets rejecte