Generated Java files using Jasper has incorrect names...

2010-04-06 Thread TWönlìnè
I used JASPER 2 which includes with TOMCAT (6.0.20), to pre compile some of my JSP files, but there is a problem with file names which are pre compiled by Jasper. If there is a underscore on JSP files then Jasper will generate Java files with incorrect names. e.g. compiled JSP file -

Re: Help required for SMAP....

2010-03-25 Thread TWönlìnè
Thanks for the reply, I guessed that also, but i think there are some problems in this approach. If you look at JSP line from 3 to 13 you'll find this, 3. % 4. %@ page import=java.util.* % 5. %@ page import=java.text.* % 6. !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

Compiling JSP with SMAP

2010-03-24 Thread TWönlìnè
I'm using apache-tomcat-6.0.20 with JASPER 2 I need to compile a web project (Eclipse WAR application) which is JSP to JAVA source files. I'm successfully generating JAVA files from JSP files (Used JASPER 2), but now i need to get mapping from JSP lines to JAVA lines. I tried using SMAP

Re: Compiling JSP with SMAP

2010-03-24 Thread TWönlìnè
@Mercy, Thanks I managed to create SMAP files, using this code in my BUILD.XML - which compiles JSPs taskdef classname=org.apache.jasper.JspC name=jasper2 classpath refid=tomcat.classpath / /taskdef target name=jasper.jspc echo message=Starting JASPER/JSPC compiler... /

Help required for SMAP....

2010-03-24 Thread TWönlìnè
Can someone help me to understand SMAP feature (how the mapping is indicated in files) in TOMCAT? (a reference link or a book would be great) -- _A_N_I_M_E_-_O_T_A_K_U_

Re: Help required for SMAP....

2010-03-24 Thread TWönlìnè
Not URL mapping, i need to understand SMAP mapping, here's a SMAP file i created, (when compiling JSP to JAVA sources) SMAP JSP *S JSP *F + 0 time.jsp mytest/time.jsp *L 3,11:55,0 14,3:57 16,3:60,0 18:61 19,2:62,0 *E this is JSP line to JAVA line mapping ??? but i found that