yes I set the tomcat_home as c:\Tomcat6.0
what is environment variable TOMCAT_HOME set to?
what is environment variable CATALINA_HOME set to?
but which is the path for catalina_home,?
isn't the same for tomcat_home?


Subject: Re: advantages using  tomcat + mod_jk
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 19:41:47 -0400

thanks for the answer about advantages of tomcat + mod_jk, ok.
I want to have a different directory for my examples of java, or web pages,
wherever, but I will don't like to have the default directory for my
for directory by default for all examples is c:\tomcat6.0\webapps\examples\
My sample now is under  c:\tomcat6.0\webapps\examples\foo\pagejava.jsp y
work very well, without any problem, but when I copy for other directory
outside of c:\tomcat6.0, such as d:\websites\examplestomcat, my example
dosen't work, the IE show me the code for the website and never the result,
even though that I created the directory inside of examplestomcat

I have a huge problem with this, I need configurate my tomcat6.0.18 for
windows for load all my example create for by myself  in

however charles he sent me an email with the short explanation about it, but
dosen't work. he told me that I need to create my own web.xml
I following him according with his step, he told me this.
1) no changes are needed to server.xml

2) create the file C:\tomcat6.0\conf\Catalina\localhost\tomas.xml

3) the contents of the above file are just:
<Context docBase="D:/examplestomcat" />

4) under D:\examplestomcat, you should have:
WEB-INF\web.xml - contains your servlet mappings
WEB-INF\lib - contains jar files (if any) for your webapp
WEB-INF\classes - contains individual class files (if any) for your webapp
index.html - the home page of your webapp.

You would access the above via the URL, assuming
your browser is on the same machine that Tomcat is running on and you're
using the default server.xml.

BUT my big doubt is.
What paremeters I'll need write inside of my new file web.xml, this is my
big problem.

somebody can explain me with more details, somebody made the same like me?.

I hope to find  a help between this person.

thanks so much

From: "Christopher Schultz" <>
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 5:40 PM
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Subject: Re: advantages using  tomcat + mod_jk

> Hash: SHA1
> Tomas,
> On 4/6/2009 4:12 PM, Tomas Rodriguez wrote:
>> I wanna know what advantage can I have if I'll install tomcat with
>> the mod_jk for work with Apache http?.
> There are a number of advantages to using Apache httpd + mod_jk instead
> of just Tomcat standalone. Here are a few I can think of:
> 1. mod_jk provides load-balancing across multiple Tomcat instances
> 2. mod_jk allows you to have a single web server instance and
>   multiple (non-clustered) Tomcat instances serving different apps
>   or even running as different users, etc.
> 3. Apache httpd includes a /lot/ of modules for authentication, data
>   massaging, etc. that can be used on top of servlet code (think
>   mod_rewrite)
> There are very few tasks for which Apache httpd is /required/. Maybe if
> you tell us what you'd like to do, we can help you configure it in
> Tomcat. Just remember that Tomcat was written to deploy applications,
> not to serve files (though it does that just fine, too).
>> It will be more easy to [configure tomcat for virtual directories]?,
>> because I wanna have in other directory my [own] examples and until
>> now I can't [do] that.
> I'm having trouble understanding what you're asking: you want to have
> several virtual directories? You can do that with just Tomcat... it > just
> takes a bit of work to do.
> - -chris
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
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> =hW1J
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