We are about to move an application from Tomcat 4.1 to Tomcat 5.5.

We are already running Tomcat 4.1 under Sun java 1.5 on 32-bit Linux on dual
Xeon processors with 4GB of memory.

Can anyone else comment on what we should expect as far as changes in
stability and performance?

Also, I am wondering if anyone has had problems moving a "non-WAR" webapp
from 4.1 to 5.5. The applications is a sort of Content Management System and
is not deployed as a WAR file - changing it at this point is simply not
practical because of all of the content files that are in the webapp
directory. Instead the application is build, using ant of course, including
pre-compiling the JSP's - the end result is a set of jar files. These are
then copied into the test or production environment.

Thanks in advance - Richard

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