All, I am quite new to Tomcat, but have run into a situation that I am
having a hard time finding a solution too.

We are working with some ColdFusion applications using Apache2
-->jk_mod-->Tomcat.  We have set up 4 different CFML processors as Tomcat
applications and created the hosts like this:


...where the latter part of the host name is the name of the processing
engine.  Is there a way that I can have my code reside in a directory like
/development/sandbox/www/ and then have the files inside "www" linked to the
root of each of the Tomcat applications so that the application root would
only have the WEB-INF and a sym link/virtual mapping to the files
themselves?  I realize that I could symbolically link each file and
directory but that is not terribly flexible.  I know that I could also link
the www folder itself, but I do not want to end up with
http://sandboxsite.coldfusion/www/index.cfm, but rather I want
http://sandboxsite.coldfusion/index.cfm.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

~Dave Shuck

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