Not sure if you found the answer, but this sounds like the same problem as a 
previous post (see subject "Ant Deploy Task Problem")

My solution is ....

I updated my META-INF/context.xml as follows:

<Context reloadable="true" antiResourceLocking="true">

and now undeploy can properly remove the webapp directory.

Apparently there is a problem with windows locking resources, so that undeploy 
cannot delete the directory.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nikita Tovstoles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 12:22 PM
Subject: jsf-impl.jar does not get deleted on app undeploy


I have a WAR which, among others, contains Hibernate and JSF libraries.

When I undeploy this application (using Tomcat manager), the app's 
directory remains in webapps because app/WEB-INF/lib/jsf-impl.jar cannot 
be deleted - i.e. it appears Tomcat continues to access that JAR.

Since complete undeployment fails, I cannot re-deploy my app without 
stopping Tomcat and manually deleting app-dir from /webapps. What can 
possibly be preventing this JAR from being deleted and what can I do 
about that?


Vanilla Tomcat version: 5.5.12 (windows)
Contents of my app's web-inf/lib:
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           444,689 antlr-2.7.6rc1.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM            16,777 asm-attrs.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM            26,360 asm.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           282,338 cglib-2.1.3.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           188,671 commons-beanutils.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           175,426 commons-collections-2.1.1.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           168,446 commons-digester.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM            38,015 commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           313,898 dom4j-1.6.1.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM         1,971,632 hibernate3.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           364,470 jsf-api.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           698,542 jsf-impl.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM            20,682 jstl.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM             8,812 jta.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           393,259 standard.jar
3/30/2006  12:17 PM           498,051 struts.jar

pertinent section in web.xml (please note that i've tried commenting 
in/out listeners below):

        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <description>Hibernate DB Pool Connection</description>

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