Tomcat 6.0.14, JDK 1.5.0_06, WinXPSP2.

I sometimes run Tomcat from "startup.bat", and I sometimes run it from
Eclipse.  Several times I've seen a situation where I will change my app
and restart the server, and my test indicates that my change didn't get
deployed.  This isn't an HTML caching issue, as the pieces I change are
all on the server side (like my "struts.xml" file).  I find that I end
up having to remove the war and exploded dir from the webapps dir, and
then copy my war back in, and then restart Tomcat.  At that point, it
sees the changed functionality.  I've seen similar behavior while
running Tomcat in Eclipse, but I didn't try doing the manual removal of
the app from the webapps dir.  I've tried cleaning the project,
restarting the server, removing and readding the project from the
server, all to no avail.

The particular "persistent" behavior I was seeing was that I had a
Struts2 action that referenced an Action class, and then I tried
removing the "class" attribute and redeploying.  After redeploying, it
was still calling the method in the Action class, even though it wasn't
referenced anymore.

I ended up just creating another action element with a slightly
different name and then using that.  That behaved as I expected.

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