Hi List,

I have a specific question about apache _expression matching.

I have a apache tomcat server setup . While tuning tomcat i needed to
achieve some tweaking to the apache _expression matching , or atleast that i

felt .

The site have all incoming urls (www.subdomain.domain.com type) are
redirected to  (https://domain.com/subdomain/index.jsp) .

The possible input urls are:

www.aaa.domain.com ( mostly )

And the redirecting url are :

https://www.domain.com/aaa/index.jsp (mostly )

The above redirection is working and valid for the following apache
directive :

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName aaa.domain.com
RedirectMatch (.*)\ .*$ https://www.domain.com/aaa$1

Now for load balancing i needed to change certain directives related to
Mod_JK . The modifications at (httpd.conf) needed as below :

original :
JkMount /* my_workers

Modified to :
JkMount /*.jsp my_workers


The change really worked .., the site started operating with tomcat serving
its content alright . The subdomain functioning just stopped.

The scenario here :
at the ServerRoot ( /ust/local/domain/ ) the "index.jsp" resides . At that "
index.jsp" a mapping is confirmed , which gurantees that the http get
request ( when someone tyies to connect www.aaa.domain.com ) with "aaa"
subdomain is served as index.jsp with the specific dynamic content part
defined for "aaa" subdomain . This way multiple subdomains are entertained .
So there is no "aaa" directory or "aaa" filename at ServerRoot . The related
jsp for "aaa" is placed somewhere else as per "index.jsp"

Let me know how exactly to overcome the situation .

Because after modifing the httpd.conf entry as above i started getting
errors :

error.log :
Files does not exist 404 /usr/local/domain/aaa

access.log :

 [aa.dd.bb.cc] - - [22/Mar/2006] "GET /aaa HTTP/1.1" 404 346
"-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; PCQuest)"

Let me know where i am mistaking .. I felt that matching the expression
in a new way would do the trick and still trying on this . Any clue what
could be
the solution .



Sanjay Saha
System Administrator

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