URL rewriting with mod_rewrite and mod_jk possible?

2006-12-29 Thread JasDA
Hi, I'm using a Tomcat 5.5.20 and an Apache 2.x. Using the mod_jk special request will be passed through the Tomcat. But now I have a problem with two Tomcat instances and the same context (the name is equal) in these instances. Here is my workers.properties: ps=\ worker.list=tomcat1, tomcat2

Re: URL rewriting with mod_rewrite and mod_jk possible?

2006-12-29 Thread Rainer Jung
You can experiment with the following alternative way of defining JkMount: If you want to forward a certain request via mod_jk wo a worker X, you can do that by setting: SetHandler jakarta-servlet SetEnv JK_WORKER_NAME X Now you can vary this by using SetEnvIf instead of SetEnv to make it