Hi  all,

I try to use file system session persistence implementation in tomcat
cluster that has three member.
I'm confused a little bit about configuration.

The configuration for <manager>:

<Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager" >
        <Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore"
                directory="c:\\sessions" />

1. Which configuration file must this manager configuration  be defined in?
conf/server.xml or webapplication/META-INF/context.xml

2. If I define that in conf/server.xml as
<Cluster  managerClassName="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager">
<Manager className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager" >
        <Store className="org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore"
                directory="c:\\sessions" />
, this message is displayed on tomcat console
"No Store element found,  persistence disabled" when I start tomcat. Why?

3. If it needs to make that definition in conf/server.xml, must I define
same configuration to all cluster members?

Thank you

Best regards

Taner Diler

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