On 4 February 2011 14:27, James Godrej <jamesgod...@yahoo.in> wrote:

> I have to run multiple instances of Tomcat.
> The reason I am doing so is I have a server where I hosted a learning
> management
> system known as
> Sakai which runs on Tomcat 5.5.30 and now on same server I have to host
> another
> learning management system known as OLAT.

Sakai 2.x makes enough weird modifications to the classloading mechanisms
that I wouldn't recommend running *anything* else in the same JVM as it!
Hopefully v3 will alleviate some of the worse problems.

> As per OLAT  doc here in Tomcat section
> http://www.olat.org/docu/install/olat_install_admin_docu_one_page.html
> it says
> "In situations where more than one instance is required (e.g.,
>              multiple
> cluster nodes on the same host) it is worth setting up each OLAT instance
> in its
> own                             JVM and sharing a common base installation
> (see Tomcat documentation
> concerning CATALINA_BASE installations.)                                "
> Can some one point me where is that given on Tomcat official docs or what
> is the
> doc which I gave link above trying to say.
> In the Tomcat installation root, there's a file called RUNNING.txt.  It
gives details on how to run multiple instances of Tomcat side-by-side.  In
essence, you copy the directories that are per-Tomcat (conf, work, webapps
etc.) and leave the read-only directories (bin etc) in one place.

Chuck's point is important.  Each Tomcat instance will need a unique
endpoint for its shutdown port and each connector - you can't run both on
port 80 on the same IP address unless you use some kind of reverse proxy
(there are many options here).

- Peter

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