Having problems with using a wildcard cert with Tomcat.  Same cert/key/bundle 
trio works in apache in the way that I expect it, but any docs I've found for 
Tomcat don't yield me a working system.  We lost a guy recently that was the 
web-min, so I'm a little out of my typical skillset in this venture.  All I've 
found online is half a billion people who are having problems doing it, but no 
actual solutions.

And yes, I've read: http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/ssl-howto.html

I'm taking from it that I need to import with the server's csr, which means I 
need to sign the server's csr with the key associated with the wildcard cert.  
Sounds great, but isn't working, no matter how I try it.  The word "wildcard" 
isn't even on the http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/ssl-howto.html page.

NetSol doesn't even have advice on the issue; the support there said they could 
help me if I was using IIS, BEA, or various other things, but I guess Tomcat is 
ummm...too obscure for them, somehow.  Doesn't Tomcat have the highest market 
share?  Whatever, unrelated to the problem, I suppose.

I'm happy to "RTFM" - but I can't find it in TFM.  And the web is too flooded 
with failed attempts to find the solutions.

Brian L

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