Re: Windows Domain authentication with Vista (and Tomcat)

2009-02-07 Thread André Warnier

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Caldarale, Charles R []
Subject: RE: Windows Domain authentication with Vista (and Tomcat)

Even if you're not using the NTLM HTTP filter

Are you using the current version of jCIFS?  Only 1.3 and above support NTLMv2.

You may want to post your question on the jCIFS mailing list; Mike will likely 
want Wireshark traces of the NTLMv2 negotiations if you do.

Many thanks for the info. I had completely overlooked the latest 1.3.1 
version.  I did try the 1.3.0 and it didn't work, but I see now a 
comment to the effect that it was broken for HTTP authentication (which 
I do use). I'll go and try it again.

And I understand why Mike would want a Wireshark trace with that stuff.

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Re: AJP vs HTTP connectors?

2009-02-07 Thread Rainer Jung

On 02.02.2009 21:20, Eric B. wrote:

I was listening to a webinar on spring source by Filip Hanik&  Mark Thomas
regarding tuning Tomcat for production in which they indicate that the Http
connector is recommended vs an AJP connector

My question, then becomes, if someone wants to use Tomcat to serve up pages
behind Apache Httpd, how to configure it to use the http connector?  So far,
the only thing I found is to use proxy/reverse proxy which is slow and can
be problematic.  To date, I've always been using mod_jk with AJP connector,
but is there a better/preferred way to do this?

I'll make a couple of comments, but keep in mind that I might be biased 
towards mod_jk.

Historically a few years ago Mladen Turk, who at that time more or less 
was the only remaining active committer on mod_jk and who is also a 
committer to httpd, initiated porting mod_jk to the mod_proxy framework, 
which he did as I remember mostly together with Jean Frederic Clere.

Some initial goals were:

a) creating a bigger developer community
b) making the module available by default with httpd
c) creating a more unified configuration style
d) making the code easier by using the APR libraries

Goals a), c) and d) have been achieved. Concerning b) one can have some 
doubts, because although all configuration is done in httpd style 
configuration files, you also end up with long attribute lists when 
actually defining the workers. The configuration complexity for complex 
production environments doesn't go away.

Another thing turned out to be more important: The porting to mod_proxy 
was done at about the time of version 1.2.15 of mod_jk and got its first 
production release with httpd 2.2.0. Now the release policy of httpd has 
to be very conservative. The thing runs the majority of the web and you 
really need to be very careful not breaking it. So any bundled evmodule 
can only improve very slowly once it is in a production release of 
httpd. This changes whenever httpd gets a major update, like expected 
this year (2.4 comes closer).

On the contrary I had the opportunity to join Mladen in the development 
of mod_jk shortly after the mod_proxy_ajp port, and together we were 
able to add a lot of features and to release a lot of versions. 
Triggered by this improved dynamics more developers contributed 
enhancements and patches. So we are now at version 1.2.27, though 
release pace somewhat slowed down recently.

So though mod_jk and mod_proxy_ajp/mod_proxy_balancer once were very 
close, mod_jk moved faster.

Don't get me wrong: a lot of people were happy with mod_jk 1.2.15 and 
are very happy with mod_proxy_ajp. Especially if your setup doesn't get 
too complex and if you already have some basic familiarity with 
mod_proxy, it's a good choice.

I hope we will find time to merge back our mod_jk improvements to 
mod_proxy before 2.4 gets released. mod_jk can still be the faster 
moving target, but it would be nice to merge back soon.

So what does all that mean? I expect that neither mod_proxy_http, nor 
mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk do differ very much in performance on modern 
hardware. I think the differences in robustness are not very huge. 
mod_jk has some more features, but in simple setups you won't need them. 
Whichever way you go, for a good result you really need to read 
carefully through the various configuration options and try to 
understand the consequences. None of the modules provides an excellent 
result in a high-performance or complex architecture situation by 
default. At the end it comes down to knowledge.

BTW: This is the Tomcat users list. People here might be a bit more 
focused towards mod_jk. You can also ask around on the httpd list to 
check out the opinion of that community.



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Re: proxy: AJP: failed to make connection to backend

2009-02-07 Thread Rainer Jung

On 27.01.2009 21:24, Jim Goodspeed wrote:

I am seeing the following error in my HTTP Apache error_log.  I think this
is OK (I assume the timeout has expired and that it will create a new
connection when it is needed), but I wanted a second opinion.  We are having
a problem with some dropped connections and I think it is either network or
database related, but I want to eliminate the tomcat and apache setup to be

Thank you in advance for your help.

I have two web servers in front of two tomcat servers - 2.2.10 for the web
servers and 6.0.16 for the tomcat servers.

Error from apache error_log:
[Mon Jan 26 12:00:56 2009] [error] (70007)The timeout specified has expired:
proxy: AJP: attempt to connect to ( failed
[Mon Jan 26 12:00:56 2009] [error] ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker
for (
[Mon Jan 26 12:00:56 2009] [error] proxy: AJP: failed to make connection to

Those messages should not occur in a sane environment. They tell you, 
that httpd was not able to connect to the backend (create a new 
connection) before a timeout fired. If you didn't configure any special 
timeout I think it is by default 300 seconds!

So either there's a network problem between the httpd server and, or all threads in your Tomcat at were busy, so 
Tomcat couldn't accept a new connection. In this case a thread dump 
(kill -QUIT to the Tomcat process) would reveal in catalina.out, what 
all those threads are doing.

My configuration is the following on apache:

 ProxyRequests Off
 ProxyPreserveHost On

 Order deny,allow
 Allow from all

 BalancerMember ajp://server1:8009 route=app-a loadfactor=5
 BalancerMember ajp://server2:8009 route=app-b loadfactor=5

 ProxyPass balancer://app/ stickysession=JSESSIONID

My AJP configuration on each tomcat server is below:


connectionTimeout is a bit low, because usually you want to persist 
connections in server to server communication a bit longer, even when 
idle. But first you need to find out, why creating new connections fails 
every now and then (changing the connectionTimeout decreases the 
frequency with which you need to create new connections [good for your 
problem] but also increases the amount of time threads inside Tomcat 
will be held busy [bad for your problem]).

I have the following jvmRoutes defined on each tomcat server in the
server.xml file:



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Re: Fun with the JVM crashing.

2009-02-07 Thread Rainer Jung

On 06.02.2009 02:37, Bill Davidson wrote:

I've submitted this to Sun a few times.  No response.  I was hoping
someone here might have an idea of what to look for.

Tomcat 6.0.18
RedHat 5.2Server

# An unexpected error has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x2b68e6a1db57, pid=10229, tid=1103006016
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (11.0-b16 mixed mode
# Problematic frame:
# V []
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

--- T H R E A D ---

Current thread (0x4bfe5c00): JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon
[_thread_in_native, id=10244, stack(0x41ae8000,0x41be9000)]

siginfo:si_signo=SIGSEGV: si_errno=0, si_code=1 (SEGV_MAPERR),


Current CompileTask:
(425 bytes)



I'm wondering if that CompileTask is what's causing the problem.
I'm thinking that the JVM shouldn't be getting SIGSEGV's.

You can track compilation with -XX:+PrintCompilation.

Once you have an idea which class and method produces the crash, you can 
disable compilation for it with a file called .hotspot_compiler. It 
contains entries like

exclude com/myCompany/servlets/sales/blah/some method

and has to be put into the working directory of the JVM before starting 
it. If you want to use a different file with such command or a different 
place, you can use


In case you only want to exclude few methods from compilation,


will do it.





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Want to learn Everything on Tomcat. 23/24 March in Amsterdam.

2009-02-07 Thread jean-frederic clere


A new tutorial has been added to the ApacheCon Web site:
"Everything Tomcat - Administering, Tuning, Troubleshooting and Develop".
That is a 2 day tutorial given by Mark Thomas who is one of the greatest
tomcat developers. Getting a tutorial during the ApacheCon is the 
oportunity to get more than a "standard" tutorial because most of the 
tomcat committers are also around at the conference so any question can 
be answered during the tutorial.

See and join us at that great event.



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Re: Deadlock situation detected/avoided with jk_log_lock

2009-02-07 Thread Rainer Jung

On 06.02.2009 20:40, fredk2 wrote:

Do I understand you correctly that when Mr. Orton said to never use pthread
nor posixsem mutex ( that
is now obsolete news and that Solaris perfected pthread mutex support since.

Joe Orton is always very careful with his statements, precise and 
correct. My personal experience with pthread mutexes on Solaris was 
fine, but I must confess, that I didn't do specialized tests to 
determine behaviour in crash situations.

I now did some searching and it turns out that the implementation of 
pthread mutexes for Solaris 10 has very recently changed quite a bit. So 
all speculations about improved pthread mutex behaviour (especially for 
"robust" mutexes) in the last years might have become obsolete.

The new implementation is contained in Solaris kernel patch 137137-09 
and most likely also in Solaris 10 Update 6 (10/08). I didn't check, 
whether that update simply contains the kernel patch or the fix is 
included independently.

Some detail is logged in Sunsolve under the bug IDs


You mention that mod_jk uses pthread is that the same as the httpd itself?

mod_jk uses a global mutex provided by the apr libraries for access to 
the log file. It gets a default mutex, i.e. it lets APR decide, which 
type of mutex to use (APR_LOCK_DEFAULT, for Solaris it should be fcntl). 
You can't configure like for httpd's accept or ssl mutex.

mod_jk uses a couple of more locks, which are all not APR provided, but 
instead directly coded to use pthreads. All of those mutexes are only 
thread mutexes, so used locally in each process and not shared between 
processes. They won't have a problem with crashing processes.

They are:

- one mutex for each AJP worker, synchronizing access to the connection 
pool, which exists per process

- one mutex for each lb worker

- a mutex for access to the shared memory when changing or reading 
configuration parameters. That might be a little unsafe, because it 
actually should be a global mutex, not a process local, but those config 
changes are only done due to interaction with the status worker, so 
there's very little chance for unwanted concurrency here. All dynamic 
runtime data are already marked as being volatile.

- a mutex used during dynamic update of to 
prevent concurrent updates. Updates are done per process.

- a mutex to prevent concurrent execution of the process local internal 
maintenance task

Some fellow at Covalent back in the early Apache 2.0 days, posted a white
paper about his various mutex testing, but it does not appear to be
available anymore. Would be interesting to know how it was tested and how it
would playout today.

Lots of the Covalent people are still around in various projects, like 
William (Bill) A. Rowe and Jim Jagielski. You could post at apr-dev, 
because Apache httpd uses the mutex implementations coming from the APR 

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:

On 06.02.2009 18:13, fredk2 wrote:

I was doing some stress test (with apache ab, 100 users, 100K requests)
compare an Apache prefork and worker mpm.  The test url is a simple hello
servlet on Tomcat 6.0.x via mod_jk. On my Sparc Solaris 10 server with
the Apache set to worker mpm I see following error messages in my jk log:

Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) with mod_jk/1.2.26 on Solaris 10.
. . .
[Thu Jan 08 11:42:28 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation
apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed
. . .
[Thu Jan 08 11:42:29 2009] [emerg] (45)Deadlock situation
apr_proc_mutex_lock failed. Attempting to shutdown process gracefully.
[Thu Jan 08 11:42:29 2009] [error] (45)Deadlock situation
apr_global_mutex_lock(jk_log_lock) failed
. . .

these errors do not appear to impact the test results and the jk log file
seems complete.

I can suppress the errors by choosing another Mutex in the Apache
AcceptMutex, such as sysvsem or pthread.  For Solaris 10 the default
for worker MPM is fcntl.  Setting the Mutex sysvsem (also the default on
Linux) marginally improves the request time.

Can someone explain what exactly these errors means? when does it occur?
I would have almost expect a "detected/avoided" to be a [warn] instead of

I have seen the trail but
like to hear updated experiences that people have with sysvsem mutexes on
Solaris 10 - what is the better mutex?  sysvsme, posixsem, pthread **?

any comment will be appreciated.

I experienced this too a couple of times and once wrote a small C
program to reproduce the problem. On Solaris the algorithm to detect a
possible deadlock is very careful and returns EDEADLOCK even in
situations were you can mathematically prove, that a deadlock is not
possible. This happens in a multi-threaded environment when more than
one mutex is used.

Apache httpd and mod_jk use such a m

RE: Windows Domain authentication with Vista (and Tomcat)

2009-02-07 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: Caldarale, Charles R []
> Subject: RE: Windows Domain authentication with Vista (and Tomcat)
> Even if you're not using the NTLM HTTP filter

Are you using the current version of jCIFS?  Only 1.3 and above support NTLMv2.

You may want to post your question on the jCIFS mailing list; Mike will likely 
want Wireshark traces of the NTLMv2 negotiations if you do.

 - Chuck

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RE: Windows Domain authentication with Vista (and Tomcat)

2009-02-07 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
> From: André Warnier []
> Subject: Windows Domain authentication with Vista (and Tomcat)
> This would seem to indicate that there is something going on at the
> Tomcat level about NTLM/AD authentication.

Not that there /is/ something going on, but the submitter would like something 
/to be/ going on.  I doubt that the above enhancement request would be accepted 
as is, since it modifies the permitted values for  and is 
therefore out of compliance with the servlet spec.  But we'll see...

> For a Tomcat application, I use an authentication/SSO
> mechanism partly composed of jCIFS (,
> partly self-built.

Are you using the NTLM HTTP filter that is available with jCIFS?  If so, it 
cannot be used in conjunction with NTLMv2, which the Vista box may well be 
insisting on.  Examine the LmCompatibilityLevel setting in the Vista system 
registry at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa; make sure it's no higher 
than 3.

Even if you're not using the NTLM HTTP filter, we've had trouble with Vista 
connecting to non-Microsoft SMB servers when the above registry setting is 
higher than 3; XP works fine when at 5 (the highest setting), so Vista is doing 
something weird that we haven't figured out yet.

 - Chuck

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Windows Domain authentication with Vista (and Tomcat)

2009-02-07 Thread André Warnier


I have an issue with Windows Domain authentication, Vista and (probably) 
NTLMv2.  It is under Tomcat too. ;-)
I was browsing Google and the various lists at, and happened 
to find what looks like a promising link as follows :

This would seem to indicate that there is something going on at the 
Tomcat level about NTLM/AD authentication.  But I have no clue about how 
to follow the above.. clue.

Basically, I'm picking at straws and trying to gather information and 
find someone, or some place, which can provide more.
Can anyone provide ideas as to where I should go, whom to get in touch 
with, anything ?

Thanks in advance.

Short description : For a Tomcat application, I use an 
authentication/SSO mechanism partly composed of jCIFS (, 
partly self-built.  It has worked nicely so far, but appears to have 
problems at one customer, with Vista workstations recently introduced.

I'm trying to solve this.
The application also uses Apache httpd 2.2, and I could do the 
authentication either there or at the Tomcat level. At this problem 
site, both Apache and Tomcat run on the same Windows 2003 host.

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RE: Tomcat Domain for redirects

2009-02-07 Thread Christian Decker

Problem is that I also host some PHP and RubyOnRails apps on the same server
and I'd like to keep them running ^^

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
>> From: Christian Decker []
>> Subject: Tomcat Domain for redirects
>> I have a server that is running Tomcat 5.5 and an
>> Apache server that runs on port 80 and uses mod_jk
>> to redirect all incoming requests to the tomcat server.
> So let's start at the beginning.  Why do you have httpd in the picture at
> all, if everything's being sent to Tomcat?  Simplify your life.
>  - Chuck
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> -
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Christian Decker
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Re: Tomcat Domain for redirects

2009-02-07 Thread Christian Decker

This seems to have done the trick, the redirects now finally work properly ^^
It would be nice for it to autodiscover the domain a request came from, but
that's fine by me because it's just a test machine, and I'll have my
sysadmin bothering with the deployment later ^^

Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
> 2009/2/6 Christian Decker :
>> Hi all,
>> I'm not that good at configuring Tomcat so I thought I'd ask here. My
>> problem is that I have a server that is running Tomcat 5.5 and an
>> Apache server that runs on port 80 and uses mod_jk to redirect all
>> incoming requests to the tomcat server.
>> So far, so good. The problem is that I want to access the server from
>> outside my local network, so instead of accessing http://server1/app/
>> I now have which automatically
>> redirects to an index page, but on the wrong address (http://server1/
>> app/welcome instead of which
>> is kind of annoying.
>> As this happens in many different places I assume that the tomcat
>> server somehow believes that he is server1 instead of
>> Any directions on where to look?
>> Regards,
>> Chris
> Read Apache HTTPD docs on how it determines its server name. I guess
> it should have been the ServerName directive,
> If I remember correctly, mod_jk passes that information to Tomcat, but if
> that
> does not work, it can be overwritten in  element by setting
> proxyName and proxyPort attributes,
> Best regards,
> Konstantin Kolinko
> -
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Christian Decker
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Re: Location of properties file for web app in Tomcat

2009-02-07 Thread Flavio Crispim

Christopher Schultz wrote:


Flavius wrote:

My ultimate goal is to give these instructions to a network admin:

1.  Download and install Tomcat
2.  Place war file in /webapps
3.  Put the file at __ and set your database and
email server info.
4.  Start tomcat

Something even cooler would be to provide a simple text editor that
would load your properties file from the WAR and write it back into the
WAR when you saved it. Then you get the best of both worlds.

- -chris
Just to mention, there are cases when a JNDI would do the trick and 
sometimes (not always) like a system property would do.



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Re: Location of properties file for web app in Tomcat

2009-02-07 Thread Flavio Crispim
Christopher Schultz wrote:


Flavius wrote:

 My ultimate goal is to give these instructions to a network admin:

1.  Download and install Tomcat
2.  Place war file in /webapps
3.  Put the file at __ and set your database and
email server info.
4.  Start tomcat

Something even cooler would be to provide a simple text editor that
would load your properties file from the WAR and write it back into the
WAR when you saved it. Then you get the best of both worlds.

- -chris

 Just to mention, there are cases when a JNDI would do the trick and
sometimes (not always) like a system property would do.



Re: TC6 ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/web.xml Is this the place to constrain the mime type?

2009-02-07 Thread Dave Pawson
2009/2/7 André Warnier :

> You may even find a ready-made servlet filter that could do that (and many
> other things besides) here :
Looks useful. Tks

> A servlet filter does not modify (or require you to modify) the application
> in any way; it just sees the request before your application does, and can
> do something to it before the application sees it;

Yes, that would do. Thanks Andre.


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

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Re: TC6 ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/web.xml Is this the place to constrain the mime type?

2009-02-07 Thread André Warnier

Dave Pawson wrote:

Rob, Christopher, Andre.
Thanks for the input.
As I said to Rob, security is not an issue at the present time.
There is no value in the content returned by the 'server' / end point;
I'm not trying to make it secure. Just respond less than
I otherwise might.

Ok, then let me make one final guess and suggestion.
If the point is just for your server application to avoid wasting time 
sending a response to a client that is not "yours", and which would not 
be able to do something useful with it anyway, then the easiest route 
would probably still be a simple "servlet filter".
That servlet filter would examine the request headers (say the 
"User-Agent" header, which your client would set appropriately), 
determine if it is or not the appropriate client, and if not send an 
appropriate HTTP 4xx error response right away, without even letting the 
request go to the servlet or restlet or whatever.
By sending the correct 4xx kind of response, you would let this "client" 
know right away, without a doubt, that there is no content here for him, 
and that he should not even retry, thus avoiding further waste of time 
for everyone.  Google for "HTTP response codes" to find the most 
appropriate response in your case.

You may even find a ready-made servlet filter that could do that (and 
many other things besides) here :

A servlet filter does not modify (or require you to modify) the 
application in any way; it just sees the request before your application 
does, and can do something to it before the application sees it; it also 
sees the response of your application after it is produced and can do 
something to it before it is passed to the client.
Also, servlet filters are an entirely portable mechanism, defined in the 
Servlet Specification, so this would work on any servlet engine.

Note again that the above is not in any way a security mechanism, 
because any client can send whatever User-Agent header it very well 
pleases.  But it would be a very HTTP RFC-compliant way of kindly asking 
inappropriate clients to just go away and not come back.

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Re: mod_jk

2009-02-07 Thread André Warnier

Mohit Anchlia wrote:

Sorry I am little confused about couple of things:

1. Based on what I read it looks like is not loaded
dynamically. And JkMountFileReload doesn't work for
but it works for

Correct, that is what was said.
In clear it means that you can to a certain extent dynamically change 
the URI's that will be redirected to Tomcat, but you cannot change the 
kind of properties that are in (the address of the 
back-end Tomcats etc..)

2. Wouldn't setting prepost timeout ensure that a check is made to see
if remote machine is up before forwarding the request?

But if you have only one Tomcat to send requests to, then all this tells 
you is that this Tomcat is not responding.  So now what do you do ?

I'll use an image : finding out that the back-end Tomcat does not even 
respond to a ping, rather than sending the whole request and getting an 
error then (which is more time-consuming), is a way to know faster that 
there is a problem.  But you still have this hot client request in your 
lap, so now what do you do with it ?
If you have 2 or more Tomcats, then it really helps, because mod_jk can 
redirect the request to a Tomcat which still works.  But if there is 
only one anyway, you're cooked.

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 11:01 AM, fredk2  wrote:

Hi Rainer,

your comment about the watchdog sounds interesting.  When you load balance
it would seem useful to get feedback from Tomcat itself about its load so
that the module can adjust dynamically its load (lbfactor) based on the
Tomcat's performance rather than a session/socket count. One can wonder if
such added complexity would be detrimental to the mod_jk stability.

Rgds - Fred

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:

On 06.02.2009 18:23, André Warnier wrote: wrote:

1) As far as I know, no, mod_jk does not read
2) Yes and no, it will not send a request unless communication has


established with the worker, it may happen that the worker fails, or
someone shut it down. Depending on how you configure the workers and
number of workers, it can retry the request and/or try a different
worker. Mod_jk will mark the worker on error when it does not respond,
and it will try again after a configurable time -but it tries again
an actual request-.

It would be really nice if you could test availability of a node with a
configurable request instead of a live production request... (hint,

Isn't that what "ping" is about ?

Ping tests, whether there is something able to still process AJP on the
other side of the connection. A configurable request would be able to
talk to the application, so one could detect, whether it is still
deployed, and if the request would be handled by an intelligent servlet
it could respond with some sort of application layer health status.

Worth filing an enhancement request, since Mladen put the Watchdog
thread into 1.2.27, we can easily add more logic of that type.



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