Thanks Vince

2013/7/6 Vince Stewart <>

> hi Jose,
> here is a working demo for exchanging messages between remote hosts using
> tribes
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import;
> import java.nio.charset.Charset;
> import java.util.ArrayList;
> import java.util.Enumeration;
> import java.util.Vector;
> import java.util.logging.Level;
> import java.util.logging.Logger;
> import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ByteMessage;
> import org.apache.catalina.tribes.Channel;
> import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelException;
> import org.apache.catalina.tribes.Member;
> import org.apache.catalina.tribes.MembershipListener;
> import org.apache.catalina.tribes.ChannelListener;
> import;
> import org.apache.catalina.tribes.membership.StaticMember;
> /**
>  *
>  * @author vince
>  * demonstration of tribes messaging between remote hosts
>  * three jar files are required
>    (org.apache)
>    catalina.jar
>    catalina-tribes.jar
>    tomcat-embed-logging-juli.jar
>    compile and run with following arguments
>    java -jar jarfileName.jar ss
>    java -jar jarfileName.jar xx.xx.xx.xx NNNN
>   where jarfileName is whatever you call your jar file
>   ss is the literal argument "ss" for the machine designated as
> "superserver" (sort of arbitrary)
>   for machines other than superserver:
>   xx.xx.xx.xx is the IPv4 address for the superserver machine
>   NNNN is relevant port number
>   Note that tribes normally uses port 4000. However if you run the
> application at superserver first
>   you will then know which port number tribes is using (could be 4001, 4002
> ...)
>   Note also that if the superserver is part of a LAN, there will be a
> router involved;
>   the remote applications will then need to point to the router IP address
> and the router port that
>   is redirected to the machine/port running tribes (more of this below)
>   If non-superserver machines use a router, these also have to have
> appropriate redirections set up.
>  Some log output refers to clustering functionality operating.
>  This does not seem to interfere with the messaging operations used.
>  I have not looked into any possible mechanisms to suppress clustering
> threads.
>  A very important limitation to remote messaging (and a possible solution)
> is discussed here.
> http://tomcat.10.x6.nabble
> .com/overcoming-a-message-size-limitation-in-tribes-parallel-messaging-with-NioSender-tt4995446.html
>  */
> public class TribesRemote {
> static TribesRemote tribesRemote;
> static Charset UTF8=Charset.forName("UTF-8");
> static int membersOnLine=0;
> ChannelListener msgListener;// = new MyMessageListener(this);
> MembershipListener mbrListener;// = new MyMemberListener();
> StaticMember superServerStaticMember;
> boolean amSuperServer=false;
> private long lastMessageReceived;
> String remoteHostIPv4Address;
> int remoteHostPort;
> Channel myChannel;
> public static void log(String s){
> System.out.println("INFO:  "+s);
> }
> public static void log(Exception ex){
> System.out.println("ERROR  "+ex.getMessage());
> //Logger.getLogger(TribesRemote.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null,
> ex);//uncomment here for detailed error msg
> }
> public static void main(String[]args) throws IOException, ChannelException{
> TribesRemote.tribesRemote=new TribesRemote(args);
> TribesRemote.tribesRemote.engage();
> }
> TribesRemote(String[] args) throws IOException, ChannelException{
> log(this.addressesForThisMachine());
> remoteHostIPv4Address="xx.xx.xx.xx"; //actual superserver address may be
> placed here
> remoteHostPort=4000; //actual superserver port may be placed here
> if(args.length==0){
> log("TribesRemote has been lauched with zero arguments");
> }
> else{
> String argz="";
> for(int i=0;i<args.length;i++)argz=argz+args[i]+"  ";
> log("TribesRemote has been lauched with the following arguments "+argz);
>  if(args.length>1){   // otherwise subservers can be started using two
> arguments
>  remoteHostIPv4Address=args[0]; // IPv4 adddress in xx.xx.xx.xx format
> where x is numeric
>  remoteHostPort=Integer.parseInt(args[1]); //the port number which tribes
> starts on
>  }
>  if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("ss")){ ///NB superserver started with
> singular argument "ss"
>  amSuperServer=true;
>  log("this is deginated superserver and will wait for members to introduce
> themselves");
>  }
>  else{
>  superServerStaticMember=new
> StaticMember(remoteHostIPv4Address,remoteHostPort,0);
>  }
> }
>                          //tribes always uses 4000 if available (otherwise
> it uses 4001, 4002 etc)
>                          //this application will output the actual tribes
> address => std output
>                          //but setting remoteHostPort to 4000 may not be
> appropriate if you have a router
>                          //if you have a router then the remote host needs
> to know the IPv4 for the router and
>                          //the redirection port number pointing to a tribes
> socket for a LAN machine
>                          //for example:
>                          //the remote router has fixed IP address say
>                          //the remote machine running tribes (on p4000) has
> fixed LAN address say
>                          //(in Linux you set fixed LAN IP address in the
> '/etc/hosts' file)
>                          //lets say you create a port-forwarding in the
> router so port 45555 redirects to / port 4000
>                          //in such a case the value for
> remoteHostIPv4Address will be
>                          //and remoteHostPort will be 45555
>                          //ie { , 45555} => redirects to =>
> { , 4000}
>                          //if there is no router (say you have 2 VPS), then
> no redirect is required
>                          //whereupon remoteHostPort will probably be 4000
> (as long as that address is free when tribes starts)
> msgListener = new MyMessageListener();
> mbrListener = new MyMemberListener();
> myChannel = new GroupChannel();
> myChannel.addMembershipListener(mbrListener);
> myChannel.addChannelListener(msgListener);
> myChannel.start(Channel.DEFAULT);
> log("TRIBES HAS STARTED ON PORT: "+Integer.toString(getLocalPort()));
> }
> void sendMessage(String message,Member member) throws ChannelException{
> Member[] group = new Member[]{member};
> this.myChannel.send(group,new
> ByteMessage(message.getBytes(UTF8)),Channel.SEND_OPTIONS_DEFAULT);
> }
> String addressesForThisMachine() throws SocketException{
> String ss="network addresses for this machine: ";
> Enumeration<InetAddress>ee;
> Enumeration<NetworkInterface>ei;
> ei=NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
>  while(ei.hasMoreElements()){
>  ee=((NetworkInterface)ei.nextElement()).getInetAddresses();
>   while(ee.hasMoreElements()){
>   ss=ss+ee.nextElement().getHostAddress()+";    ";
>   }
>  }
> return ss;
> }
> /*
>  * subserver will run this
>  */
> private void engageInDialogue(){
>  do{
>   try{
>   this.sendMessage("* hello superserver *",superServerStaticMember);
>   }
>   catch (ChannelException ex) {
>   TribesRemote.log(ex);
>   }
>   try {
>   Thread.currentThread().sleep(10000);
>   }
>   catch (InterruptedException ex) {
>   System.exit(0);
>   }
>   if(System.currentTimeMillis()-lastMessageTime()>12000){
>   log("no messages in last 12 seconds");
>   }
>  }while(true);
> }
> /*
>  * superserver will run this
>  */
> private void waitForMessages(){
>  do{
>   try{
>   Thread.currentThread().sleep(10000);
>   }
>   catch (InterruptedException ex) {
>   System.exit(0);
>   }
>  }while(true);
> }
>  int getLocalPort() {
>  return this.myChannel.getLocalMember(true).getPort();
>  }
>  private void engage(){
>   if(this.amSuperServer){
>   this.waitForMessages();
>   }
>   else{
>   this.engageInDialogue();
>   }
>  }
>  private long lastMessageTime() {
>  return this.lastMessageReceived;
>  }
>  void messageReceived(String message, Member sender) throws
> ChannelException {
>  this.lastMessageReceived=System.currentTimeMillis();
>   if(this.amSuperServer){
>   this.sendMessage(message + " ((hello back ))",sender);
>   }
>  }
>  private static class MyMessageListener implements ChannelListener{
>   @Override
>   public void messageReceived(Serializable s,Member sender){
>   byte[] b=((ByteMessage)s).getMessage();
>   String message=new String(b,TribesRemote.UTF8);
>   TribesRemote.log("message received:  "+message);
>    try{
>    TribesRemote.tribesRemote.messageReceived(message,sender);
>    }
>    catch (ChannelException ex) {
>    TribesRemote.log(ex);
>    }
>   }
>   @Override
>   public boolean accept(Serializable msg, Member sender) {
>   return true;
>   }
>  }
>  //this is part of clustering that has not been removed from tribes
>  private static class MyMemberListener implements MembershipListener{
>  @Override
>  public void memberAdded(Member member){
>  //TribesRemote.tribesRemote.memberDetected(member);
>  }
>  @Override
>  public void memberDisappeared(Member member){
>  //TribesRemote.tribesRemote.memberGone(member);
>  }
>  }
> }
> On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Jose María Zaragoza <
> >wrote:
> > Thanks Vince.
> > I'll take a look , but , it doesn't look trivial , not at all
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >
> > 2013/7/4 Vince Stewart <>
> >
> > > Hi Jose,
> > >
> > > a couple of things,
> > > 1) I use embedded Tomcat to build my application and this has allowed
> me
> > to
> > > maintain 2 single-line patches in tribes classes by adding tribes
> source
> > > code to my compilations. However those patches are only necessary with
> > > large messages that take more than 3 seconds to be transmitted from the
> > > transmitting machine to the Internet Service Provider machine (approx
> 0.5
> > > meg for my system). There is a config setting
> (Sender/Transport/timeout)
> > > that's supposed to alter this 3 second timeout limit but I'm not sure
> it
> > > works.
> > > 2) The implementation is not at all trivial. You have to register
> > > StaticMember objects because usual member discovery does not work over
> > > wide-area network (WAN). I allocate one machine as "SuperServer" and
> all
> > > other machines have to enroll with SuperServer at startup. All machines
> > > need to have a unique combination of Ipv4 address and port number
> (which
> > > might represent a redirection port for use by the router whereupon
> > > networked machines also need LAN addresses set). Once registration is
> > > complete, all sub-Server machines can send/receive SuperServer and vice
> > > versa.
> > >
> > > There is a tutorial on-line which is adequate but not for WAN. I think
> > you
> > > have at least two weeks of work in front of you using tribes but I am
> > very
> > > happy I used this method.
> > > None of my code would add much (except confusion) to that in the
> > tutorial.
> > > Make sure you start without multicast enabled as it currently is
> suitable
> > > only for LAN.
> > >
> > >  ///Class Constructor
> > >  public ServerMessaging() throws SocketException{
> > >  this.myChannel=new GroupChannel();
> > >  ChannelListener msgListener = new ServerMessaging.MyMessageListener();
> > >  MembershipListener mbrListener = new
> ServerMessaging.MyMemberListener();
> > >  myChannel.addMembershipListener(mbrListener);
> > >  myChannel.addChannelListener(msgListener);
> > >   try{
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> myChannel.start(Channel.MBR_TX_SEQ|Channel.MBR_RX_SEQ|Channel.SND_TX_SEQ|Channel.SND_RX_SEQ);//no
> > > multicast
> > >   }
> > >   catch(ChannelException e){
> > >   U.log(e);
> > >   }
> > >  }
> > >
> > > public void detectOrderNumber_EnrollWithSuperServer() throws
> > > ChannelException{
> > > setMyServerOrderStatus(); // machine reads its mac address or some
> file;
> > > then from a table will set serverOrderNumber to 0 for superserver ;
> > others
> > > 1,2,3...
> > >  if(this.getServerOrderNumber()==0){  ////meaning this is the
> superserver
> > >  someObject.doSomeThingMaybe();
> > >  }
> > >  else{
> > >  this.sendAckRequiredMessage(0,"Enrollment"); /// first argument
> > specifies
> > > SuperServer, member 0 (a table will need to be provided to hold IPv4
> > > address and port for each member)
> > >  }
> > > }
> > >
> >
> --
> Vince Stewart

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