The problem with the SSL is that the Tomcat server is not using the
certificate.  When it starts, depending on the exact options chosen in
the server.xml file for the port 8443 listener section, it does one of
the following:

It will either fail to start listening on port 8443 at all, or

It will listen on port 8443, but not encrypt communications.  (It's not
using the certificate.)

>From what I can tell with keytool, the certificate appears to be fine.
I don't understand how Tomcat knows which key in the keystore to use, or
how it knows the keystore password.  (I don't think it does.)  It's even
generating an error in one of its log files that says it's having
trouble opening the keystore, which I believe is because it does not
have the password, but when I enter that information with the options
needed for specifying the keystore password in the server.xml file, that
port 8443 listener does not start at all.  It's as if I have the wrong
syntax.  The documentation I'm using is just whatever I can find on the

Any suggestions you can offer would be appreciated.

Wynne F. Inya-Agha | TriMont Real Estate Advisors 
3424 Peachtree Rd. Suite 2200
Atlanta, GA 30326
Direct (404) 954-5288
Fax (404) 230-6682

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