The Tomcat 8.5 documentation states for the Memory Realm:

MemoryRealm operates according to the following rules:
  . When Tomcat first starts up, it loads all defined users and their 
associated information from the users file. Changes to the data in this file 
will not be recognized until Tomcat is restarted.

However, we are seeing a different behavior (8.5.54), and see indications in 
the log that the system is trying to reload the database from the 
tomcat-users.xml file.   If I look at the MemoryUserDatabase source, the 
watchSource member variable is set to true by default.  I also do not see the 
"watchSource" parameter listed as a Realm parameter in the documentation.  I am 
happy to file a bug against the doc, but wanted to confirm that I wasn't 
missing something first.



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