Re: single instance of background job?

2009-01-12 Thread Matt Chambers

What I did was a little bit of extra work on top of quartz.  I have a 
table that stores the configuration for all of my quartz jobs.  When a 
quartz job kicks off, it will first try to update its last execute time 
in the table.  If the last execute time is too new the update will fail 
and the process will exit.

I use spring-javaconfig to build my quartz configuration from this table 
procedurally on application startup and I provide a web and Ice API for 
administrators to make changes.


Rusty Wright wrote:
This isn't really a Tomcat question I'm guessing but I don't know where 
else to ask.

In our setup we have multiple Tomcats behind a load balancer.  I have a 
background task that will run once a day, via Quartz.  All Tomcats will 
be using the same war so they will all run the job, but I need it so 
only one of them runs the job.

I'm looking for ideas for how to implement this.  At the moment all I 
can think of is to use a table in a database with a unique constraint on 
a column, and each background process tries to insert today's date 
(-mm-dd) and the one that succeeds runs the job, and the ones that 
don't, do nothing.


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Tomcat 6 JNI Re-Loading Problem

2007-08-31 Thread Matt Chambers
Hey all, I'm loading a couple classes that use native code libraries.  
Everything loads great the first time, but during hot deployment, tomcat 
complains the .so is already loaded. Is there a way to make sure the 
libraries get unloaded?

In one of my classes I have the standard:

static {

I'm using Tomcat 6.0.14.


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Tomcat crash

2006-12-14 Thread Matt Chambers
Hi everyone, I'm new to the list.  I just updated a tomcat server from 
5.0 to 5.5.20 and I'm having
a little problem.  I'm using the same JVM, 1.5.08.  I've read a bunch of 
solutions, none

of them seem to work for me.

I had two crashes, a couple hours apart from the other, generally these 
machines run high load 24/7 for months

at a time with no problems.

First one was in:
Current thread (0x0806cc18):  GCTaskThread [id=32102]

Second one:
Current thread (0x4030dff0):  JavaThread http-9120-Processor15 daemon 
[_thread_in_Java, id=713]

In both cases, there was a large spike in the number of threads running 
right before the cash, but no

corresponding increase in cpu, memory or bandwidth usage.

I did make a couple other changes between versions:

* added latest log4j
* dropped minspare threads from 25 to 15, and maxspare from 50 to 30, 
max is set to 250.

This is my options line:

JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms500m -Xmx1600m -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails 
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:PermSize=128m 

If you would like to see the whole hs_err log let me know and I will 
post it.   I also found that in both cases it looks like an RMI

request is being accepted:

 0x3f7f9598 JavaThread RMI TCP Accept-0 daemon [_thread_in_native, 
 0x3e4f69d0 JavaThread RMI TCP Accept-9125 daemon [_thread_in_native, 


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